Online Tutoring

What sets us apart is that all of our tutors are fully qualified teachers or have many years of experience educating children. We specialise in Entrance Assessment preparation for the 3+, 4+, 7+ and 11+. We also specialise in preparing children for occasional places at top inner and outer London Schools.

What is online tutoring?

Online tutoring is support provided online for your child to succeed in their learning. All of our lessons are provided online here at Creative Minds Tutors and we have had exceptional results at all ages over the last 4 years.

Confidence is boosted and your child is able to ask any questions or discuss any problems that they might be facing. We are all aware of the increasing pressures placed on children. Having access to the highest quality teachers regardless of where you live is just incredible.

How does online tutoring work?

Our team of exceptional tutors will work closely with your child to identify any gaps that they may have and work on targeting these areas. All of our lessons are different and unique. Our tutors will get to know each and every child as individuals and tailor lessons that will suit their individual learning styles. Some of our students are very visual and need to be able to see images and short video clips to help them to remember. Other students are kinaesthetic and need to move around more so we structure our lessons in a more active way. Lessons will be more hands on for these types of learners. We also have auditory learners who enjoy listening to the teacher. We also have students who like to learn by reading and writing. These students love to take notes and learn through lots of repetition. We identify the needs of each individual learner and our lessons are bespoke to their needs.

All of our teachers will inspire your child to want to succeed and educate them to the highest of standards. After just a few sessions, be prepared to see their confidence increase and their motivation soar! We will support each child with their current learning and quickly identify any gaps or areas that need reinforcement. We will use various different learning methods so expect active and fun learning!

If you are interested in private tuition, book your SAMPLE lesson today.

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Our amazing team.