5 Days to pro 7+ Story Writer Workshop
5 Days to pro 7+ Story Writer Workshop
Join us Monday 7th - Friday 11th April for this game changing Workshop.
I am opening 5 places for this Workshop and they will all fill up!
Stop dreaming of your child becoming an excellent story writer. Support them to be able to do it!
This workshop will help your child to develop a love for writing that will go far beyond any 7+ Assessment.
Get everything you need in relation to story writing for your child’s 7+ Assessment right here!
5 Days to pro 7+ Story Writer Workshop
Step by step instructions to support your child to know HOW to write a successful story for their 7+ Assessments.
Personalised help just for your child. Real time interaction with me for 5 days. I will be dedicating my time and energy to your child for 5 full days.
Support for you when you need it. I know how overwhelming it can be to teach story writing. It just doesn’t need to be. I am here for you for the full 5 days! Anything you need, I will be there for you.
Teaching your child story writing can feel impossible when you try to do it on your own.
You try to support your child with their story writing but instead:
Your child tells you that they do not want to write
Your child doesn’t produce the quality stories that you expect them to produce
Your child is reluctant to sit down and write a story
Here is the truth. It’s not you that doesn’t know how to teach story writing. You just never learnt HOW to support your child to write a great story.
That’s why I created this workshop! To support YOUR child to go into any 7+ Assessment and write a story that will truly stand out. That will truly get the attention of the examiners!
After this workshop, your child will have written 2 stories that would pass a 7+ Assessment.
Day 1 Monday 7th April - In today’s teaching video, I will teach your child how to PLAN an excellent story. Your child will then have thirty minutes to independently plan their story using my bespoke resources.
Day 2 Tuesday 8th April - In today’s teaching video, I will teach your child how to write an excellent introductory paragraph and exactly what they need to include in their introduction. Your child will then have thirty minutes to independently write their introduction using my bespoke resources.
Day 3 Wednesday 9th April - In today’s teaching video, I will teach your child how to write their middle paragraph. Your child will then have thirty minutes to independently write their middle paragraph using my bespoke resources.
Day 4 Thursday 10th April - In today’s teaching video, I will teach your child how to write their concluding paragraph. Your child will then have thirty minutes to independently write their final paragraph using my bespoke resources.
Day 5 Friday 11th April - In today’s teaching video, we will take all of our knowledge and write a brand new story.
Included in the price of this workshops will be all of my marking and feedback of your child’s writing, 24/7 access to me to ask me any of your questions relating to your child’s story writing and one Special Bonus!
Everyone who signs up to this workshop will have the opportunity to WIN a FREE Additional Consultation (worth £120)