My experience of the 4+ Assessments (2022-2023) Round 1
/All of our results are now in for Round 1 at all of the schools that our youngest children have sat assessments at. Our youngest students start with us as early as two years of age. When they sit their assessments (4+) they are either 3 or 4. Most schools have two rounds of assessments at this age. I am still awaiting final results but a lot of parents have been asking me about round 1 at different schools so I thought it would be best to write a blog about my experience with the 4+ so far for the last academic year. As new students get ready to begin tuition with us, it is my hope that this blog will help someone to apply something that they learn just by reading this blog post.
We prepare children for a variety of different private schools for the 4+. Our most popular schools this year have been:
Haberdasher’s Askes
St Christophers
St Margarets
South Hampstead
Kensington Prep
The main thing that I have learnt from this year and that I would like to share with all parents is the importance of children carefully following instructions. So as an example, if your child is asked to draw a butterfly that they actually draw a butterfly.
Practise listening skills with your child in their preparation for the 4+ assessments. Provide your child with a series of instructions that they need to follow. Do this frequently. You can even ask your child to provide you with instructions and you model to them how you carefully listen and follow instructions provided.
Here is an example:
I would like you to draw a dog.
Please give the dog 5 spots.
Give the dog a smile
Draw a tongue.
Here’s another example:
I would like you to jump up and down 10 times.
Turn to your right once and stop.
Crouch down to the floor and count to 5.
Then stand back up and touch your head.
Make it really fun but do practice frequently.
Remember that at round 1, the schools are getting to know your child as an individual. They are looking to see a variety of things specific to each school. If you choose to do tuition with us, we will of course guide you and support you every step of the way. We have over 16 years of experience preparing children for their 4+ assessments at all top London schools.
Whether you choose to tutor your child or not, it is fundamental that you prepare your child for these assessments. So far, we have had exceptional results and I am very excited to share our final results once all round two results are released by the end of this month.
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