4+ Exam Confusion

These last few weeks I’ve spoken to a lot of parents preparing their children for the 4+ Assessments.

There seems to be quite a lot of confusion going around.

Rather than focusing your thoughts on this confusion, please direct that energy to ensuring that your child is best prepared for their Assessments.

A lot of parents that I’ve spoken to have attended open days at the schools that they would love to send their child to at 4+. There have been many mixed messages. Or at least this is how the parents I have spoken to have interpreted what they have been told.

And here is what I have to say about it.

If you are preparing your child for the 4+ , please ensure that they are best prepared in ALL of the areas of the EYFS curriculum. At the end of the day, regardless of what your child is asked, at least you know that you have covered all bases.

Please don’t neglect certain areas.

Cover everything! And more!

Children at this age LOVE to learn. They are like sponges. Absorbing everything and remembering so much. It is incredible to see.

They are capable of learning everything that you teach them. Trust me, children at this age love to learn. So teach them. Have fun with it. Laugh. Joke. Enjoy it. And if your child absorbs it all, that is the cherry on top!

If you need further support with 4+ Assessment preparation, book a Sample lesson today. We will be delighted to support you every step of the way.