8 Genres of Writing Masterclass Saturday November 18th @3pm
/In this amazing Masterclass, I will cover the 8 genres of writing that could potentially come up in the 7+ Assessments.
It is highly likely that your child will write a fiction story or choose the option to write a fiction story.
However, other genres of writing could come up and in fact they have some up previously.
I personally don’t spend too much time focusing on these but it’s important that your chid is aware of how to write a story. if it is a different genre to the one that they are used to writing.
For example, if your child is asked to write a letter in their Assessment, they will need to be aware of the different features of a letter and be able to include these in their writing.
This workshop will be 40 minutes long and I will allocate 5 minutes to each genre. Here are the genres that I will cover:
Formal and informal letters
Instructional writing
Fiction narratives
Newspaper reports
Non chronological reports
Persuasive writing
Diary writing
After the Masterclass, your child will receive a pack of learning which they can organise into a folder to help them to remember the different genres and be able to answer any question in their 7+ Assessments.
This is a workshop that you won’t want to miss if your child is sitting their 7+ Assessments this year.
Saturday 18th November 2023
40 minutes
Maximum of 5 children only
Book today