Why it's just as important to prepare for round 2!
/Competition has been fierce this year for all assessments. From 4+ to 11+, the level of competition seems to be rising each year. As I’ve said in a few of my blogs, it is very important to know exactly the level that your child needs to be at in order to be successful in their examinations. I have over 13 years of experience preparing children for all assessments up to 11+. I can 100% say with total confidence that the assessments are getting more challenging each year. This year was no exception.
We prepare children for the specific schools that they are sitting for. I will of course mention no school names here but certain schools were more challenging than others in terms of what was asked of the children in their assessment and also what was expected of them.
Most of my clients spend a lot of time preparing for round one (especially at 7+ and 11+) and of course this is necessary. However. they do not spend enough time preparing for round 2. In the past this has been fine but now more than ever, it is vital to allocate time to prepare for round 2 assessments. Ideally, your child will have 4-6 lessons in preparation for round 2. This is at a minimum. For the 4+ it is the other way round and I’ll do a separate blog about this. For the 4+, more time needs to be focused around round 1 prep.
So what was asked at round 2 at 7+?
Of course, each school is different and each school has their own criteria. But here is a summary of what happened at round 2. Of course, if you choose to speak to one of our very qualified teachers, we will guide you specific to your schools of choice.
Round 2 preparation 2023 summary:
Interview questions
General knowledge
Problem solving (maths)
Spellings and dictation
Arts and crafts
Physical activities
Questions testing children’s knowledge and understanding of the world
How did your child get on with their assessments? Comment below and let’s all support each other!