The easiest way to teach story writing for the 7+ (for parents)

Story writing seems to create a lot of negative feelings. I love story writing. I love teaching it. I love the progress my students make. I love that they can be as creative as they want and use their wildest imaginations. I love to see the improvements that they make each week. I love to see them persevering and trying their best. I love to see the resilience in them when they get something wrong and they are not afraid to try again. Story writing creates a lot of positive feelings for me.

This is what I strive for my students and clients to also feel.

It is very rare that I have a conversation with a parent where they tell me, ‘I love teaching story writing!’ or ‘I can’t wait to write another story with my child.’

My ultimate goal is to change this!

So here it is.

The easiest way I know to teach story writing.

  1. Choose a title (I have provided 10 title below)

  2. Plan the introduction (Introduce the character, setting and problem)

  3. Plan the middle (Go into detail about the problem)

  4. Plan the ending (Resolve the problem.

  5. Provide your child with adjectives and adverbs to use and ask them to choose a few to put into each paragraph.

  6. After you have planned, leave your child for half an hour and see what they can write!

  7. Mark the story and give feedback. Ask your child to use your feedback to write draft 2.

  8. Repeat step 7 and ask your child to write draft 3. This will be their final draft.

  9. Keep completed stories in a beautiful folder and show them off to anyone who will read them!

  10. Enjoy!

That’s it.

Super simple.

So enjoy the story writing process and if you need any help at all, book your Sample lesson today. We will be delighted to support you along the way.

10 Story Writing Titles for the 7+ Assessments

  1. The picnic

  2. The day I woke up and found out I was 10cm tall]

  3. The picture that came to life

  4. The visitor

  5. The Secret Garden

  6. The birthday surprise

  7. My favourite school trip

  8. Lost

  9. The hungry sparrow

  10. The quest