How do you know what to prepare for at Round 2? (4+)
/Just like Round 1, round 2 will be very different at each individual school. You will need to prepare for each school differently.
For example, some schools have 1:1 Assessments at Round 1 whereas at other schools it will still be a group Assessments. At some schools there will be smaller groups of children and at other schools there will be larger groups of children. At some schools there will be 3-4 adults in the room wheras in other schools there will just be one or two. At some schools, the expectations will be a lot more academic whereas at other schools they won’t be. So, why is is important to know what to prepare for at Round 2?
It is so important.
If your child doesn’t know what to expect, it can become quite overwhelming for them. Imagine going somewhere completely new and unfamiliar to you and having 4 adults in a small room watching you as you play, asking you to read words and to write numbers? Overwhelming.
But if you know to expect it, you will most likely feel more relaxed and at ease. You probably still will not like it but at least you are aware of about what to expect.
Imagine going somewhere new and unfamiliar and going into a room with one adult that you have never met and having that adult ask you questions for 30-45 minutes? How would that feel to a child who is only three years old? I don’t imagine it to be a very positive feeling do you?
At least if they know what to expect, it is far more likely that they will go in at the very least a little more calm and relaxed.
Three year olds are very intuitive. They understand what is going on around them so well. Talk to your three year old and explain to them exactly what they should expect when they go to their Round 2 Assessment.
And if you don’t know, work with incredible teachers who do.