You don't need to prepare for the 4+! 3 reasons why you should NOT listen to this advice.
/All of the clients who stopped tuition with me because the schools told them ‘not to tutor’ were unsuccessful at gaining a place at their top school of choice. I’m talking about this year.
When a client tells me that they have been told not to tutor by the school they visited for the Open Day, it doesn’t surprise me in the least. I hear it year, after year, after year! This is what schools will tell you so be prepared to hear it. Please don’t ask me why? There are far more important questions to ask. I can’t actually tell you why.
By the way you will also hear this advice from well meaning family and friends. Be prepared for it and don’t get side tracked. Be laser focused on the task at hand - getting your child in to your top school of choice for them at 4+.
When parents tell me that they want to stop tuition because they have been ‘told’ they don’t need to prepare their child, it makes me sad. Not because they are stopping but I am sad for my student. I wouldn’t want my son (he’s 18 months now) to go into one of these Assessments unprepared!
2. Hundreds of children are applying for very few places. If your child isn’t prepared, please do tell me how they will pass their Assessments?
If there are hundreds of children applying for very few places, who do you think will be successful?
Will it be the child who knows how to answer questions or the child who doesn’t? This is a skill that needs to be taught!
Will it be the child who knows how to write their name or the child who doesn’t? This is a skill that needs to be taught!
Will it be the child who knows how to hold their pencil or the one who doesn’t?
I could go on and on and on but I think you get the picture!
3. Applying to even sit Assessments at these Top schools costs a lot of money, why risk being unsuccessful when you can go all in and ensure that they are as ready as they can be to really shine!
If you prepare your child for 6 months with Creative Minds Tutors for their 4+ Assessments, you are investing £1,250. If you prepare them for 9 months, you are investing £1,850. I think that’s an investment worth spending to ensure the best possible chances of success for your child.
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