All about Round 2 Assessment Preparation for the 7+ Assessments
/As we come to the end of the 7+ Assessments, myself and my team are reflecting on how things have gone for our cohort.
The most important thing (by far!) is knowing your schools very well. I know historically what has come up in the last 14 years in all Top schools at 7+. Of course new things can come up (and they do!) and we can’t always predict what will happen on the day and ultimately it will be up to your child and how they do on the day. However, preparing your child to go in with confidence and be able to answer everything that they are asked will give them that slight edge over the other candidates.
Please do not sabotage your chances for 7+ Assessment success by neglecting Round 2. It is equally as important as Round 1.
You need to make a very detailed plan about exactly what you are going to do. And you need to follow it.
I’ll give you an example of a top Boy’s School that I m currently preparing several students for:
Spellings - Year 3/4 Curriculum
General Knowledge
Knowledge and Understanding of the World
Maths - Quick Mental Recall
English - Comprehension and composition (oral and written practise)
Interview questions
If you need any further support with Round 2 Preparations for Assessments happening next week, book your Sample Lesson today!