This is why your Kensington Prep Assessment preparation may NOT be working.
/The Ken Prep 4 plus Assessment is one we have been preparing for for years and years.
We have over 15 years of experience preparing girls to be extremely successful at this school.
So you’ve applied to Kensington Prep and you’ve been to visit it. You’ve decided this is the school for your daughter. Perhaps you’ve prepared her a little bit. Perhaps you’ve been unsure about how to prepare her. Perhaps you’ve spoken to a few parents who have provided you with snippets of information about the Assessment (I would avoid listening to what other parents tell you about the assessment!).
Now the Assessment is approaching and you are feeling more and more anxious about it. I don’t blame you.
This is a VERY challenging school to get into.
Without the correct preparation, it will be virtually impossible to pass the 4+ Assessment at this school.
The Ken Prep 4+ Assessment is 60 minutes long. Your daughter will need stamina and focus to be able to last the full 60 minutes! We prepare all our girls to be able to go into Ken Prep and focus to the best of their abilities. Your daughter will be observed with a small group of girls by the Assessors at Ken Prep (these are usually members of the SLT or teachers within the school).
Being successful at Ken prep means preparing your daughter to be able to go in and answer questions well, focus, show confidence and independence, be able to interact well with children and adults and have the stamina to complete the full 60 minute assessment and complete it well!
Kensington Prep write that they are looking for girls ‘who are alert and curious with an enthusiasm to learn.’
Enthusiasm for learning
This is EXACTLY what they will be observing.
If you are NOT preparing specifically for these three things then it is very likely that your 4+ Assessment preparation may NOT be working.
When we prepare our girls for their 4+ at Ken Prep, we focus specifically on these three main aspects. That is why we have the success that we have at Ken Prep!