Should I tell my child that they are being assessed or not (4+)?

To my brain this is like asking me, ‘Should I tell my child that they are going to the park or not?’

It makes no logical sense.

Why would you not tell your child that they are being assessed?

Ok, perhaps not using those words (a 3 year old will not know what assessed means unless you explain it to them).

Here is what tends to happen…

I speak to a parent who perhaps enquires about 4+ Assessment preparation and he or she says something along these lines…

‘My child is only 3/4, I don’t want them to be stressed out.’

‘My child is only 3/4, I don’t want them to know that they are going to an assessment.’

‘My child is only 3/4, it’s not right for them to be assessed.’

I say to them something along these lines…

Your child should not be stressed out at the age of 3/4. I don’t understand why you don’t want them to know that they are going to an assessment when that is just merely a fact. It is right that they are being assessed because that is what YOU have chosen for them.

Usually, I am met with disbelief and the parent continues with his or her strategy of NOT telling the child that they are being assessed.

So what tends to happen on the day of the assessment?

The child goes in and ‘messes around’, doesn’t following instructions, doesn’t listen to the story being read to them, doesn’t focus and pay attention. Then the parent phones me and tells me that their child did not pass (in most instances). And they are surprised about it.




They set their child up to fail.


They told them - ‘You are going on a play date.’


Ok, what does your child do an a play date?


That is not what an assessment is about and if that is what you think, you are very misinformed and mistaken.

So yes. Please tell you child they are being assessed and tell them EXACTLY what they should expect on the day.

And if you don’t do this, don’t be surprised at the outcome.

Let’s take this process seriously if we want to have serious success.