If I only had 3 months left to prepare my son for the 4+ at UCS, here are 3 things I would do.

With only 32 places on offer and with this being one of the most popular boys’ schools in London, you will want to prepare thoroughly for this 4+ Assessment.

Perhaps you’ve had other things going on in your life and before you know it, we are already nearly in November! You realise you’ve not done enough to prepare your son for his UCS 4+ Assessment.

Fear not!

We have the best 4+ Assessment preparation for UCS. Our very small team of teachers have prepared hundreds of boys to be very successful at this school for over 15 years!

If I only had 3 month to prepare my son for the UCS 4+ Assessment and I wanted to ensure that my son went in as well prepared as possible, here are 3 things that I would do.

1.Book 3 months of Intensive tuition

Ok so it will be less than three months of tuition at this point of writing this blog but we want to get 3 months of intensive learning completed before the 4+ Assessment at UCS. I would suggest two Bronze packages per month for the next 3 months.

2. Educate myself

I would want to know exactly what to expect from the UCS 4+ Assessment. The only way to do this is to speak to someone who actually know.

3. Ensure my son can do the following 5 things to the highest of standards:

-Write his name

- Write numbers 1-10

- Write all letters of the alphabet

-Know all of his phonics (single sounds)

- Be able to do all EYFS activities with accuracy and precision (eg. lego, puzzles, cutting etc)

Many parents assume that their son will just go to the 4+ Assessment, show his brilliance and pass.

All parents think their children are brilliant.

Let that sink in.

Take the Assessment process seriously and prepare seriously and well. If not, prepare to fail.

Our pricing will be increasing from the end of October. To secure our current rate, book your Sample lesson today.