All you need to know about the 7+ at Westminster Under.

There are only 22 places available at 7+.

Yes, that’s right!

Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds will apply to Westminster!

WUS are looking ‘for potential in the boys and for boys who have natural ability and will therefore thrive here.’

Careful with how you interpret this sentence…

‘Our challenge is to find that potential, rather than simply select intensely-tutored boys, and whose natural ability will grow with the challenges a Westminster education provides.’

Most parents will read this and not tutor their children.

Don’t do this.

Your child still needs to achieve the pass mark to actually pass the Assessment!

WUS actually write that they do not want boys who have been tutored.

All boys will be ‘tutored’ for this assessment, whether you want to believe that or not. To me the word ‘tutored’ just means ‘taught’. You can of course teach or tutor your own son but please understand that each and every boy who will pass Round 1 will have been ‘tutored’ or taught and they will have achieved the very high percentage needed to pass the first round at WUS.

Maths Assessment- They expect that your child will be at master level in the Year 2 curriculum. In my experience of this school, assessment questions go way beyond the Year 2 curriculum.

Writing - It will be expected that your son will be able to write in any genre he is asked to write in.

Reading - Your son will have excellent comprehension skills and have a very high vocabulary.

Reasoning - Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning will be assessed.

50 boys (out of the hundreds and hundreds) will be invited back fro round 2. Out of these 50, 22 will be offered a place.

This will be a 50 minute classroom activity and interview. WUS are looking for boys with a ‘spark’ and a ‘passion’.

This is a wonderful school and one that we have prepared our students to be very successful at for over 15 years.

Take Assessment preparation very seriously if you plan to sit your son for his 7+ Assessment at WUS in 2026.

Join our Waiting List today.