3 signs your daughter is 'ready' for the Habs Girls' 4+ Assesssment.
/With less than 7 days remaining until the first round at Habs Girls’ for the 4+ Assessments, many of my students are working incredibly hard preparing for this Assessment. Many of my girls are meeting with me as much as 4 times a week to prepare for this Assessment.
We are all working very hard.
Habs girls’ offer 40 places at 4+.
Let that sink in.
Hundreds and hundreds of girls will be applying for 40 places.
This school is very over subscribed.
Round 1 is a Group Activity session lasting 50 minutes.
Group 2 will be an ‘informal meeting’ with parents and children.
Here are the 3 signs your daughter is ‘ready’ the the Habs Girls’ 4+ Assessment (Round 1)
1.Your daughter is happy to leave your side and go into a room with adults and children that she doesn’t know. If your daughter cries when she leaves your side or is resistant to leaving your side she will not pass.
2. Your daughter can focus for at least 50 minutes.
3. Your daughter can answer questions well and in detail.
That’s it.
If she can do all three of these, she will pass the first round.
Obviously, she will need to also complete all of the activities that she is asked to complete to the highest possible standard - eg. puzzles, play doh, drawing, cutting etc.
Please note that Habs’ Girls’ ‘strongly recommend against tutoring’ for the 4+ Assessment and I strongly recommend you read this and smile and carry on.
Preparing for Habs’ Girls’ for 2026 entry? Join our Waiting List today.