Here is why you might not have the 4+ Assessment Success that you would like to have.

I don’t write this blog with the intention of frightening anyone or to make anyone feel like they’ve not done enough. I write this blog with the intention of explaining just how challenging these 4+ Assessments are and to help you to understand what exactly is needed in order to have tremendous success in any 4+ Assessment.

We have been preparing children to be very successful in their 4+ Assessments for over 15 years. We have seen what works and we have see what doesn’t work. Unfortunately, many parents are unwilling to put in the work that is needed in order to have the success that they desire to have at their target schools.

Many parents that I speak to admit to me that they either started too late or that they didn’t do enough practise through out the years leading up to the 4+ Assessments. Many parents simply tell me that they did not know what to expect. How would they? If they’ve never been through the process before, how would they know the challenges and the complexities of sending a 3/4 year old into an assessment.

The main reason that you might not have the 4+ success that you desire to have is lack of consistency.

Here is what I mean.

Preparing for a 4+ Assessment at a prestigious school requires at least one year of focused Assessment preparation. This doesn’t mean doing a little bit here and a little bit there. What this means is thorough and consistent assessment preparation covering all 7 areas of the EYFS curriculum. What it means is taking massive action each and every day with your child to ensure that they master the curriculum. All of the curriculum.

I have a two year old and I know how easy it can be to go days without doing some learning with him. It’s so easy to make excuses - we were busy, we both were working or we just didn’t have time.

None of this will cut it when it comes to being successful in the 4+ Assessments.

First of all, you need to know exactly what your target schools are looking for in their prospective new students (hint- it’s not the same at every school) and second of all you need to practise daily and consistently in all 7 areas of the EYFS curriculum.

That’s why our Emerald Curriculum will be a game changer for your Assessment preparations.

You will receive a carefully planned and curated plan to follow every single day with your child. You will have 24/7 access to our Company Director who will answer any of your questions at any time and you will prepare your child to go into any Assessment and have the highest chances for success.

And all of this starting from only £55 per week (with a Senior Teacher).

Book your Emerald Curriculum Sample Week today.