Your deepest desires
/I’ve spoken to so many parents this week and the main theme in our conversations is this.
‘I want my child to go to x school’
There is a deep desire for their children to be successful in a particular school or schools that the parents have their hearts set upon them going to.
And this is exactly what we do.
We support our clients every step of the way to have tremendous success in supporting their children to be successful in their Assessments.
We know that your deepest desire is for your child to gain entry into your schools of choice.
Your deepest desire is to have options.
We also know how challenging it is for children to be successful in their Assessments.
However, with over 14 years of experience preparing children for all top inner and outer London schools, we are here to support you every step of the way.
All of our clients who had at least 9-12 months of Assessment preparation (4+ ) were successful at gaining entry to at least 3 schools of choice.
All of our clients who had at least 12 - 18 months of Assessment preparation (7+) were successful at gaining entry to at least 4 schools of choice.
All of our clients who had at least 2 years of Assessment preparation (11+) were successful at gaining entry to at least 3 schools of their choice.
We are deeply invested into all of our children. After all, we become more successful the more successful they are!