What you want is for your child to go into their 4+ Assessment CALMLY and CONFIDENTLY.
/I’ve been talking to a lot of parents today about 4+ Assessment preparation. What I’m noticing is that a lot of the parents that I talk to seem to focus a lot on the academic aspect of the 4+ Assessments which of course is very important. However, it is by no means the most important part of 4+ Assessment preparation.
In my opinion, the most important part of 4+ Assessment preparation is going into the Assessment calmly and confidently.
If your child doesn’t go into their Assessment/s calmly, they are unlikely to be successful.
If your child doesn’t show confidence in their Assessment/s, they are unlikely to be successful.
Let me give you some examples by sharing some real life stories that happened this year in the 4+ Assessments.
To me going into the Assessment calmly means walking in happily. I imagine a child just soaring into the room as though they are walking on clouds and into something that they actually want to do. They actually want to be in that room.
Not being calm means going into the Assessment crying, screaming, not letting go of mum or dad (or whoever has dropped your child off). Not actually wanting to be in the room and doing anything within their power to leave the room indicates to me that a child is not calm.
Please don’t be surprised… these things do happen.
This year, many of my clients told me that they saw children crying and screaming and refusing to go with the assessors into their Assessments. Many of my clients told me that they heard from their friends that they were called to come and collect their children because they wouldn’t calm down.
Having confidence has nothing to do with being shy or not. You can be shy and still have confidence. You can be loud and have very little confidence.
To me, going into the Assessment/s with confidence means being able to communicate well with adults and with children. Confidence was another very important aspect of 4+ Assessment success. Children who were not able to articulate themselves with confidence were not successful. Children who were unable to answer questions with confidence were not successful. Children who didn’t interact well with other children were not successful.
So yes, prepare for the academic aspects of the 4+ Assessments but please don’t neglect these two very important parts of 4+ Assessment success.
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