Is one nursery better than another when preparing for the 4+ Assessments?

Is one nursery really better than the other when it comes to preparing for the 4+ Assessments?

I honestly think that the answer to this question is no.

I have prepared hundreds of children for their 4+ Assessments over the last 14 years.

I’ve prepared children who have gone to very prestigious nurseries who have not been successful and I have prepared children who have gone to ‘normal’ nurseries who have been successful. I’ve also prepared children who have never attended a nursery in their lives and have been very successful!

 Many of my clients fixate on the idea that their child needs to go to the ‘best’ nursery in order to have a higher chance for success in their 4+ Assessments and this is simply not the case.

These are the questions that I’d like you to ask yourself.

 Does my child’s nursery know the schools that I am applying to well?

 Does my child’s nursery know what will happen on the day of the Assessment?

 Does my child’s nursery know the expectations of the schools?

 Does my child’s nursery benefit from my child being successful to the schools that we are applying to?

 If the answer to all of these questions is YES, then great!

 Most likely the answer to all of these questions is NO.

 To be successful in the 4+ Assessments, you must work with someone who is able to do two things and do them very well!

 1.     Know the schools and what they actually want

2.     Has actual experience at getting children into the schools that you are applying to

 So please don’t spend too much time choosing the ‘perfect’ nursery to prepare your child for their 4+ Assessments. There’s no such thing. Choose a nursery that you like and choose a nursery that your child likes. That’s all that matters. Then choose a teacher who can do the two things that I mentioned.