The truth nobody told you about online 4+ Assessment preparation.

After doing this for over 14 years let me tell you this truth.

This is the biggest misconception that I’ve come across with preparing hundreds of students for their 4+ Assessment.

The misconception that in order for a child to be able to focus, the teacher needs to be physically in the room with them. In order to have success, the teacher needs to be physically in the room.

I disagree.

Having taught children online and in person, let me tell you why this is simply not the truth,

In person, the teacher can be more ‘controlling’ and therefore remove that sense of independence from the young student. Teaching online is a skill and I absolutely agree that not every one is highly skilled to be able to teach a two year old online. But if you find the person who is, it is just magical.

Online, your child has to develop the skills of:




In person, the student doesn’t have to work so hard to focus because the teacher can guide them to focus and manipulate that focus by helping them to do it. Online, my students practise the skill of focussing because I am not physically in the room. This skill will serve them very well in the real 4+ Assessment. Being able to focus at the age of 3 or 4 is the hardest skill to master. Also, during our online lessons my students develop their communication very quickly because they need to explain everything to me.

In the 4+ Assessment, there will be no one helping your child to focus.

In person, the student is not as independent because the teacher is there by their side. I’ve seen this happen hundreds of times before where there is far too much support for the student but I will talk about this in a separate blog.

In the 4+ Assessment, there will be no one helping your child to be independent.

We offer the highest quality support with our incredible online lessons. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to have the best quality support because you think in person will somehow be superior.

It isn’t.

See for your self by booking your Sample lesson today.