Nurture Social Strength by frequently and consistently exposing your child to new experiences.
/Your child’s social skills will be assessed in their 4+ Assessments.
How they interact with other children.
How they interact with other adults.
I believe that the only way to master these skills is by frequently and consistently exposing your child to new experiences.
New experiences where they will meet new children and new experiences where they will meet new adults.
Just going to a nursery everyday will not be enough. Those people are familiar to your child and they will already be comfortable around them.
In their 4+ Assessment, they will have never have met the children in the room (most likely) and they will definitely have never met the adults in the room.
Exposing your child to new experiences is the best way to work on their social strength and empower them to go into their assessments socially ready to handle anything!
New experiences could be going to new play groups, visiting different restaurants, going to the zoo, going to museums, going to different clubs. If you can leave your child somewhere new even better. There are so many things that you can do in London!
Need further support with developing social strength in order to be successful in the 4+ Assessments?