'We do NOT want children to be prepared BUT we expect them to do everything that we ask them to do...'
/We all think that our children are the brightest, most charismatic and most amazing things in this World.
Why would a school not want out children at their schools?
We don’t question when these top schools tell us that we must not prepare our children for their Assessments.
And I strongly believe that this is wrong.
In the last 15 years preparing children for their 4+ Assessments at all top inner and outer London schools, I’ve had hundreds of parents stopping their tuition with either myself or one of my teachers because they went to an Open Day and were told to absolutely not prepare their child for their 4+ Assessment. Of course, that is up to them and I always respect their choices. Who am I to tell them that they should continue?
The saddest thing though, is that NONE of the parents who have stopped tuition with me have then gone onto be successful.
What does this tell you?
To me, it tells me that children 100% need to be prepared.
They must be prepared.
So regardless of what you are told, prepare your child.
However you choose to do it, prepare your child.
Do it yourself.
Hire a teacher.
But prepare them. And prepare them well.
Tell me this.
How else will your child be able to…
Say all of the phonics sounds they are asked to say?
Answer questions in detail?
Count to 20?
Write numbers to 10?
Blend words?
These are just a few. I could go on and on and on.
My child is now 2. He is amazing. I know any school would be LUCKY to have him.
But I will still prepare him thoroughly for any Assessment that I send him to. And you absolutely must too.
Don’t be one of the hundreds of parents who will call me after the fact and tell me how much they regret not having started. And having to face the ordeal of the 7+. 7+ is far harder than 4+ let me tell you. Then you have to wait until 11+ and that is pretty much your last chance unless the school does 13+ or you are successful at gaining an occasional place (even harder at these top schools!)
I know it’s a big investment. But it’s 100% worth it.
95% of my clients continue working with me even after the Assessments are over. What does this tell you?
They see the value in what I offer.
They see the progress their children make.
They know that I am making a different in their lives and the lives of their children.
This is why I do what I do.
One space remaining to work with me for 4+ Assessment preparation (2025 Entry). After this, my doors will close for 1:1 tuition and I will only be offering Curriculum Coaching.