The main reason your child doesn't want to repeat their phonics sounds.
/First of all there is nothing wrong with your child if they don’t want to repeat their phonics sound after you. There’s nothing wrong with them if they don’t know what sound it is when you ask them. There’s nothing wrong with them if they’d prefer to do anything but look at the sound that you are showing them.
The main reason that your child doesn’t want to repeat their sounds could be simply because they find it challenging.
Think of it through their perspective.
You show them a letter and ask them what sound it makes.
If you follow my advice, you’ve not yet taught them the alphabet and have only focused on phonics.
They look at this letter and most likely wonder - ‘What is that?’
You then ask them to sound it out and they most likely think - ‘Why would it sound like anything? Does it speak?’
They most likely look at you confused.
You then show them an image and ask them what it is.
Let’s say that you show them a picture of a pig. They happily tell you that it is a pig.
You thin ask them ‘What sound does pig begin with?’
Guess what my students normally tell me…?
They tell me - ‘Oink!’
And they are right. A pig does sound like ‘oink’ but that wasn’t the question.
Learning phonics is challenging for a 2 and 3 year old.
So the main reason that they don’t want to repeat it is because it is challenging for them.
It takes time, patience and lots and lots of practise. Lots and lots of exposure to the sound that they are learning every day. Not once every other week. That will not help them.
Every day.
Short, sharp bursts. Even just 2-3 minutes.
If they don’t want to do it then absolutely do not do it.
It needs to come to them. They must want to do it.
I want all of my students to love learning their phonics, not to dread it.
That’s what we do in our lessons. We instil a love for learning that goes far deeper than just preparing for an Assessment.