Should I tell my child that they are going on a 'playdate'?
/Please don’t!
I mean it’s your child and you can do what you like!
But what message are you sending if you tell your child that they are going on a ‘playdate’?
What does ‘playdate’ mean to your child?
Perhaps it means, ‘go and have fun!’
Perhaps it means, ‘go and play with your friends!’
Perhaps it means whatever it means to your child.
Does it mean, ‘You are going into a room with adults watching your every move and observing how you behave, interact with others, listen and perform?’
I highly doubt it.
So why would you tell them this?
‘But the school wrote in their invite that it will be a playdate!’
So what?
Do you listen to every single thing that you are told?
Please don’t.
It is not a playdate.
I’ve just received an invite for my child to attend an ‘informal’ assessment and that he will just ‘be observed playing and interacting with other children’.
It will not be ‘informal’.
He will be watched by three members of staff!
He will be ‘observed’ and he will be asked questions. I will be preparing him for this 3+ Assessment. I highly recommend that you do the same.