3 ways to teach early writing that do not involve pencil and paper.
/There are two types of students when it comes to early writing.
They either love it or they hate it.
My son is two years old and he is obsessed with writing. He calls pens ‘papers’ and is asking me throughout the day for ‘papers’. So I have no problem getting him to write. He tells me when he wants to write and we do it daily.
With my own 3+ and 4+ students it’s the same. Some love it and some don’t. Some will do it with enthusiasm and energy and others will not want to do it at all. Some get upset about it and walk away and some ask me to write numbers and letters.
Wherever your child is, there are ways to support them to build a love for writing that will help them to actually want to pick up the pen or pencil in their 4+ Assessments.
For most of the 4+ Assessments, your child will be observed writing so they must be able to go in and be able to write. And they must be able to write to a very high standard (correct letter formation and a decent size)
Here are 3 ways to teach early writing that do not involve pencil and paper.
1. Water tray writing
Fill a water tray with water and add lots and lots of bubbles. Add some lovely glitter to make it even more visually appealing! Ask your child to use their finger to form letters and numbers. Once they like this, ask them to pick up and pen and ‘write’ in the water.
2. Sand tray writing
As above but use sand.
3. Use a write board
You know how children love to write on walls? Well, now they can!
No more destroying your beautifully painted walls! When I used to do in person tuition, I used to always bring this with me and write on my client’s walls with their children!
If after using these three methods, your child still doesn’t want to write, get in touch with me, I will be very surprised and happy to help you!