2 reasons it's better to get your child in at 4+ than 7+
/If you plan to send your child to a certain school then it’s always best to try to prepare them to be successful in their 4+ Assessments.
I speak to many parents who tell me this:
‘They are not ready at the age of 2/3/4 so it’s better for us to wait for the 7+.’
I completely disagree.
Here are the 2 MAIN reasons it’s better at 4+ than 7+
1. With just one year of Assessment preparation your child can be very successful in their 4+ Assessment (of course this is dependant on what they’ve done with you up until this point). With the 7+ Assessments, they will usually need 2 and a half years.
My most successful students who I prepare for the 4+ Assessments at all top inner and outer London schools are those who have at least 1 year of consistent 4+ Assessment preparation (as in they meet me weekly and they complete all of their home learning tasks and maintain regular communication with me throughout the weeks)
With the 7+ Assessments, my most successful students are those who start with me in the Autumn term of their Reception year. There is a lot to cover.
One year of Assessment preparation typically costs £3000. Two and a half years of Assessment preparation typically costs £7500.
Much better to go all in and get your child in at 4+ !
2. There are a lot more places available at 4+ compared to 7+.
Let’s take one top school as an example.
NLCS has 40 places available at 4+ compared to 8-10 places available at 7+!
I have tremendous success with NLCS at both 4+ and 7+ but just to illustrate how much more competitive it is at 7+.