Know that you've done EVERYTHING in your power to prepare for the 4+ Assessments.

What we offer to our clients is far more than just one or two lessons per week.

Our clients can contact us at anytime and they will always receive an answer to their questions.

My personal clients contact me daily to ask me about things like:

Writing- How their child should be holding their pencil or tips for improving how they are writing their names.

Reading - They types of questions that they should be asking their children and tips about reading lists.

Maths - They type of maths their children will be asked to do in their 4+ Assessments.

The relationships I build with all of my clients is something that I am very proud of.

What sets my students apart from other students is that they know exactly what to expect from each Assessment that they will be attending.

They know exactly how to go in to each Assessment and be very successful.

It is very rare to be able to find a teacher who not only has over 15 years of experience teaching children for their 4+ Assessments but also knows what each and every single schools is looking for in their 4+ Assessments because she has prepared children for every single inner and outer London School over the last 15 years!

What I want my clients to know is that they have done EVERYTHING in their power to prepare their children to the highest of standards for their 4+ Assessments. To know that their children can go into any 4+ Assessment and complete everything incredibly well. To know exactly what the expectations are.

What I want my clients to know is that their children will actually go in and pass most of their 4+ Assessments because they have been prepared to the highest standard and because they have done everything in their power to prepare them to go in and be incredibly successful.