3 Top Tips to make Westminster 7+ Assessment preparation easier.
/We are currently preparing several of our students for their Westminster 7+ Assessment this year and next year (8+ too!).
Here are 3 top tips if you are preparing for the Westminster 7+ Assessment.
You want to always try to simplify your 7+ Assessment preparations. I know it can seem overwhelming but it really doesn’t have to be.
1. Choose a teacher who has prepared boys for this school (girls soon!)
Don’t just choose any teacher who offers 7+ Assessment preparation. Don’t just ask what they charge. If you want your son to have any chance of passing his first Round at this school, you need a teacher with at least 5 years of experience preparing boys for this school and you need a teacher who knows historically what has come up. Otherwise how on earth can the teacher that you work with prepare your son for his 7+ Assessment at Westminster? Some parents want to save money on tuition. Trust me, you don’t want to do this. You will spend thousands more getting your child ready for his 8+ or 11+.
2. Understand both rounds well.
If you don’t know what to prepare your son (and daughter soon!) for how will they ever be successful?
You need to know exactly what will come up in the first and second rounds and prepare just for those things.
Here it is simplified for you.
Round 1 - Maths (We teach up to the year 3 curriculum for Westminster and some of the Year 4 Curriculum), English (writing and reading, SPAG), Verbal Reasoning and Non Verbal Reasoning.
Round 2 - Classroom activity and interview (interviewed by the Master and one other member of the SLT)
Only 50 boys will be invited back for Round 2. So if your son is invited back, they will have done exceptionally well at round 1. Hundreds and hundreds of boys will apply to sit their 7+ at Westminster Under School!
3. Allow yourself at least 1 year to prepare your child for their 7+ Assessment at this school. This is not to say that if you leave it later, you cannot be successful. You absolutely can be with the right guidance and preparation but your child will need more intensive preparation.
Out of the 50 boys selected for Round 2, only 22 boys will be offered a place!
We know exactly how to prepare our students for both rounds.