Watford Grammar School for Girls - What you need to know.
/The next open evening for secondary school transfer will be Thursday 17th October 2024 from 6-8pm.
210 new Year 7 girls will join Watford Grammar each year.
Registration for 2025 entry closed on Friday 14th June.
The academic test was on Saturday 7th September. The school also holds music tests (2 rounds) and sports tests for specific students.
872 applications were received for 210 places. This is why it is crucial to prepare your child. Look how competitive it is to get in. Nearly 900 applicants for 210 places!
The application is to be completed online.
Admissions criteria can be read here.
Here it is summed up for you.
Admission is divided into two parts:
a) Community
1. Looked After Children and children who were previously looked after, including those who appear (to Watford Grammar School for Girls) to have been in state care outside of England, but ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted or became subject to a child arrangement order or a special guardianship order.
2. Girls whose normal home address is nearest to the school and who would not be allocated a place under any other criterion, except criterion 6 (up to 21 places, 10% of the total admissions).
3. Girls with a parent who is a permanent full-time or part-time member of the school staff (inclusive of teaching and support staff roles). To qualify, the member of staff must either have been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission is made or have been recruited to fill a post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage. In all cases, the member of staff must have parental responsibility (sole or shared) for the girl.
4. Girls with a sibling (sister) enrolled at the school, excluding sisters who first entered the school in the Sixth Form (Year 12 or Year 13).
5. Girls with a sibling (brother) enrolled at Watford Grammar School for Boys, excluding brothers who first entered the school in the Sixth Form (Year 12 or Year 13). 6. Places will then be allocated to girls in increasing distance order using straight line distance between the family’s normal home address and the school.
1. Girls selected on the basis of aptitude for music as measured by the school's assessment procedures, in merit order (up to 21 places, 10% of total admissions).
8. Girls selected by academic ability as measured by the school’s assessment procedures, in merit order (52 places, 25% of total admissions)
WGS recommends that all girls sit their Assessments apart from those in groups 1, 3 and 4.
Myself and my team of specialist Grammar School teachers have personally taught hundreds of girls and prepared them to be very successful at WGS. If your daughter will be applying to this school, book your Sample lesson today.