If you don't know the 4+ expectations don't expect your child to pass.

You might think you know what is expected of your child in their 4+ Assessments but you are most likely wrong.

Unless you’ve been through the process already, you most likely do not know the expectations.

Don’t guess what these expectations might be. You have to know what these expectations are.

How else can you expect your child to pass?

Each school will have different expectations of their prospective new students.

Every single day I receive questions that demonstrate utter confusion when it comes to the 4+ Assessment preparation process.

Parents ask me if they should be doing this or they should be doing that in preparation for the 4+ Assessments.

It does not work like that.

You need consistent, focused and daily action covering all of the 7 areas of the EYFS curriculum to a very high standard to have any chance of success in the 4+ Assessments.

That’s what we do.

We support all of our clients to cover all of the 7 areas of the EYFS curriculum daily, consistently and to a very high standard.

This is why it is vital that you understand that this process needs to be started as early as possible. If you leave it to the last minute, it will be virtually impossible to cover all of these areas of the EYFS Curriculum (unless your child is already at a very high academic standard).

We know exactly what is expected at each individual school at 4+. That’s why we have the exceptional results that we have year after year after year. This year will be no different!

I have just launched a brand new challenge and it closes next week (Tuesday 21st January) and there are only 10 places available!