How do you justify your tutoring being online?
/I was asked this question yesterday and I found it fascinating.
I asked the parent I was talking to what she meant by this question.
She said, ‘What I mean is why is all of your tutoring done online?’
Justification means to show or prove to be right.
I don’t think online tuition is right or wrong therefore there is no justification needed. What I know for a fact is that our results speak for themselves. The fact that so many of our students are so successful in their Assessments is the proof that what we do is incredibly effective.
The parent I was talking to yesterday is currently preparing her daughter for the 11+ at several grammar schools and several private schools.
I asked her to explain to me why she thought in person tuition would have a bigger impact on her daughter’s success than online tuition.
She told me that she felt in person tuition was more nurturing than online tuition.
Not true.
We have beautiful, nurturing relationships with all of our students. We look forward to seeing each other each and every single week.
She told me that her daughter would focus more in person than online.
Not true.
And in fact I told her that in person tuition can actually become a crutch. A crutch where too much support is given. In the Assessment her daughter would be completely alone.
She told me that her daughter goes for 3 hours of tutoring a week and she couldn’t understand how I could support her in only 30 minutes.
Well, that’s the beauty of working with experienced teachers. We do not need to have your child for 3 hours each week to have results.
Online tuition is amazing. You can access the best teachers from wherever you are in the country. If you want to have the best results, you need to work with the best teachers. The teachers who know the schools that you are applying to like the back of their hands and who know exactly what will be expected of your child in their Assessments.
I know how important Assessment preparation is. I take it very seriously. We prepare children to the highest possible calibre to go in and be successful in any assessment.