My child is only 3 – will they REALLY be expected to read and write?


Why is that so hard to believe?

My son is nearly 32 months old. He will be 3 in July. Developmentally, he isn’t reading his phase 2 phonics sounds and he is able to currently only write the number 1 independently. Would he be able to sit a 4+ Assessment in the next 7-11 months? Probably. With consistent focus and daily practise of what will be expected of him. Without that – then absolutely not. And I would never, ever send him into any 4+ Assessment without being ready to do so. Why would I? Of what benefit would that be to him? Of what benefit would it be to me? To spend £150 on a registration fee to just be told no. I can invest that £150 into something else for my son thank you very much. Why would I put my son through a 4+ Assessment only to be told that he hasn’t been successful?

And it’s not just £150 because if I do decide to sit my son for his 4+ Assessments, he will be attending at least 6-7 Assessments. You do the maths!

So if your target schools tell you that they will not be assessing reading and maths, please just smile and move on. A top inner London school for example tells parents that they do not assess reading and maths. Every year they do. And every year they place a huge importance on the children having very strong phonic knowledge and awareness.

 Why would you send your child into a 4+ Assessment if you are not willing to put in the work?

 You do realise that your child is being assessed right? You do realise that the schools will have their own Assessment criteria and you do realise that your child will be graded (given a percentage)?

How will your child do if they are asked to read several different sounds off a page and they can’t read any of them?

How will your child do if they are asked to write their name and they are unable to do it?

 How will your child do if they are asked to write their numbers and they cannot do this?

Question everything when it comes to your child’s 4+ Assessment success. It is far too important to take lightly. This is the future of your child that we are talking about? This is the highest quality learning and education possible for your child that we are talking about.

Book your Assessment Consultation Discovery Call to ask me anything at all about your child’s Assessment preparation.