Do Nursery reports matter in the 4+ Assessment process?

Of course they do.

Why else would these schools ask for them?

Now it’s important to understand that not all schools at 4+ will ask for a report from your child’s nursery but some will. A quick phone call to the school to ask them will answer your question about whether or not they will ask for a report.

Some schools will ask for a report if they are unsure about something or need further clarification.

Nursery reports are important and here is why.

Let’s picture a top school like Westminster as an example. Westminster will most likely request a report from your child’s nursery for the 4+ Assessment process. Imagine three or four assessors sitting down with all of the applicant’s reports. Which reports will stand out to them?

Will it be children who are mostly working towards age related expectations?

Will it be children who are mostly meeting age related expectations?

Will it be children who are above age related expectations?

Will it be children who are significantly above age related expectations?

Think about it carefully.

It’s obvious isn’t it?

Your child’s form tutor/key worker comments will also be important. How they write about your child will be important. Their targets will also be important.

Here is what most reports will be assessing:



Communication and Language Development

Art and Design

Physical Development

PSED (Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Understanding of the World

Obviously the actual Assessment will be far more important than the Nursery report but the Nursery report does and will matter in your child’s 4+ Assessment.

It is at your child’s Nursery’s discretion if they will share the report with you or not. They do not have to share the report with you. You can of course ask but they can say no to showing you.

Nursery practitioners are excellent at writing these reports and their scoring will be factual and accurate. They will know your child very well and be able to paint a clear picture about their current levels and abilities.

Don’t just leave it to them. Help them by ensuring your child is prepared to the highest possible standards by you as their parents. Remember that is is not the nursery’s responsibility that your child does well in their 4+ Assessment. That is your responsibility.