The most important aspect of 4+ Assessment Success

I like to see the 4+ Assessment like a 100 piece puzzle.

Fit all the puzzle pieces together and you will have 4+ Assessment success. Leave huge gaps in your puzzle and you will not have 4+ Assessment success.

All of the pieces hold a high value but there is one piece that holds the highest value. If your child is able to hold this puzzle piece, they will hold the most important aspect of 4+ Assessment success.

This piece is… drumroll please… CONFIDENCE.

Confidence in themselves. Confidence in their ability. Confidence to be able to complete all of the activities that they are asked to complete. Confidence to answer all of the questions that they are asked. Confidence to solve more complex problems. Confidence to just have a go. Confidence at not being afraid to get something wrong. CONFIDENCE is the most important aspect of 4+ Assessment success.

Confidence does not mean being loud. So don’t worry if you’re child has a quieter confidence. This is just as amazing. Shy children can also demonstrate confidence.

How do you support your child to develop their confidence skills?

You must allow them the opportunity to get things wrong and be okay about it. Too many times, I see parents helping their children straight away when they can’t do something. Just let them be unable to do it. Let them struggle with placing the lego piece on top of another lego piece. Let them be frustrated. Don’t do it for them straight away If they ask for your help - that’s different!

My son (32 months) has developed the most beautiful confidence through getting things wrong. Through being frustrated. Through being tasked to try again. Through saying no and then coming back to it. He is not a loud, confident boy. He is a quiet, confident boy who is always telling me, ‘I will do it by myself!’

He would score highly in the confidence part of the 4+ Assessment. How would your child do?