If your child can’t follow instructions, do not send them to a 4+ Assessment.
/Go to a group class where you have a variety of different children of similar age and just observe quietly.
It will become so clear to you.
Who can follow instructions and who cannot.
If this were at a 4+ Assessment and you were the assessor, who would you invite back to the second round and who would you say bye bye to?
The weekly class that I take my son to currently is Stagecoach (he is nearly 3 years old). He is in a group of about 6-8 children. There are 3 types of children in his group.
Group 1
The overachievers
These children are the ones who always put their hands up. They are so eager and keen. They want to answer everything that they are asked. ‘Me, me, me, pick me!’ They listen to everything the teacher says as though everything she says is just amazing. They focus.
Group 2
The distracted
These children are the ones who have their eye gaze everywhere else but on the teacher. They listen to her reading the story for a few minutes and then look over at the toys in the corner. They never raise their hands because they are too distracted to even be fully listening to what the teacher is saying.
Group 3
The ‘I’d rather not be here’
These children clearly have no desire to be in the Stagecoach room. They are attached to their mother or father and they cry frequently. They definitely are not listening to a single word the teacher is saying and they do not take part in the activities.
Which group does your child fall under?
Mine falls under group 2.
If your child doesn’t fall under group 1, do not send them to a 4+ Assessment. What would be the point?