Developing strong listening skills for 4+ Assessment success!

Did you know that in the 4+ assessments strong listening skills can make or break a child’s success.

It will be so clear to see which children are able to listen well and those that are not.

Many children struggle with following instructions—not because they don’t understand, but because they aren’t used to actively listening to someone. These top Independent Schools want to see children who can:

  • Listen carefully to a story or task.

  • Follow multi-step instructions without needing constant reminders.

  • Children who can stay engaged, focused and respond appropriately.

Try these 3 simple ways to boost listening skills at home:

1.Play "Simon Says" – Helps with focus & following instructions!
2. Give Multi-Step Tasks – “First put your book away, then grab your teddy.”
3. Read & Ask Questions – "What happened first/last in the story?" Builds attention & recall!

The best 4+ candidates aren’t just intelligent and bright—they’re also great listeners!

Far too often I speak to parents who tell me things like, ‘My child didn’t pass because they did not listen well but they listen so well at Nursery!’ How is that even relevant? Your child HAS to listen well in their 4+ Assessments. And it’s up to you to ensure that they are able to do so by practising daily.

It takes time, effort and focus to support a 2/3 year old to develop their listening skills!

Are you up for the challenge?

Many of you seem to want to leave this up to your child’s Nursery or pre-prep. Why do you think they care about your child being able to listen well more than you do?

Book your Sample Lesson today!