Summer born means very little in a 7+ Assessment.
/Think your summer-born child will get a big advantage from age adjustments in the 7+? Think again.
A lot of parents I speak to assume that because their child is one of the youngest in their cohort that the examiners will lower expectations. They believe their summer-born child won’t need to perform at the same level as an autumn or winter-born child.
They would be wrong.
Yes, final scores are age-adjusted, but the adjustment is minimal. It won’t make up for gaps in ability. Schools expect all children sitting the 7+ to meet the same high standard regardless of their date of birth.
Yet I constantly hear:
“He’s an August baby, so his reading isn’t quite there yet.”
“She’s summer-born, so her writing is behind her peers.”
“He’s one of the youngest, so his focus isn’t as strong.”
To parents, these are observations. I hear excuses.
Here’s the reality:
Your child must read fluently and understand what they read.
Your child must write confidently with strong vocabulary.
Your child must focus, think critically, work independently, persevere at more challenging questions and show resilience.
Examiners don’t assess potential (although many schools say that they do!)—they assess performance. It’s the results that matter! It’s what they score that matters!
If your child isn’t fully prepared, no age adjustment will change that.
If your child is summer-born, the best strategy isn’t hoping for an adjustment—it’s closing the gaps early. Need help? Book your Sample Lesson today.