How 'easy' is your child to teach?
/Would you say that your child is ‘easy’ to teach?
Have you observed them in a group environment with other children?
Have you seen how they are as part of the group?
I invite you to just spend some time observing. Being the silent witness.
I invite you to not just listen to your child’s nursery teachers telling you that they are ‘doing great!’ or ‘They had a great day!’ What does that even mean anyway?
Take responsibility and take the time to just go and watch your child in a group setting. I promise you it will be eye opening.
Most Sundays, I take my son to Stage coach. I just sit and observe him and it is fascinating.
He is not as ‘easy to teach’ as other children in the group and let me explain to you how I know this.
He doesn’t actively listen to the teacher all the time. He does switch off if he gets bored or if he loses interest. I observe other children literally glued to the teacher and listening to every single word that she says.
He doesn’t raise his hand to answer the questions without my encouragement. Other children have their hands up the whole time and patiently wait for the opportunity to be called upon in order to be able to answer the questions. Even if their answer is wrong, you can see how proud they are of themselves!
When he is asked to answer and put on the spot, he will most often withdraw and not answer. I observe other children saying the answers with confidence and delight.
When my son is asked to do something like tidy away a toy that was used, sometimes he does it but there are also times where he literally just refuses. Other children follow the instruction immediately.
My son is not ‘easy to teach’ compared to the other children in his group.
If it was a 4+ Assessment, you can see why this would be a problem for my son.
Remember that these top schools will have their pick of the children that they want to come to their schools. Teachability is very important. They want children who will be ‘easy to teach’.
So if your child ‘easy to teach’?
And I don’t mean ‘easy for you to teach’! I mean ‘easy for others to teach’.
Answer this question with honestly and sincerity like I just did and then get to work with supporting your child to develop the skills needed in order to demonstrate teachability in their Assessments.
That’s what we do here at Creative Minds Tutors. We support all of our students to go into their Assessments and show exactly what the assessors are looking for. After all, your child will be one of hundreds and hundreds of children being assessed.
Why would these top schools want to choose your child?