What are the 4+ In person Mock Assessments and why are they important?

As most of you already know all of our lessons here at Creative Minds Tutors are exclusively online. After several requests from current clients to offer in person Mock Assessments, I decided that I would offer this. It is very hard to find 4+ 1:1 Mock Assessments and it is even harder to find them with a teacher who has as much experience as I do with the 4+ Assessments.

I believe that my in person Mock Assessments are worth way more than I am charging for them. First of all, I will come to your home. With other 4+ Mock Assessments, you need to take your child to a centre. Second of all, I will create a bespoke Assessment specific to the schools that you will be taking your child for Assessment at. And finally, I will be very thorough. I will assess all areas of the EYFS curriculum specific to the 4+ Assessments that your child will be attending.

The 4+ Mock Assessment will last 1 hour.

Your child will show me a variety of different areas of learning and I will assess:

Their listening skills

Their ability to follow instructions

Their focus levels

Their concentration

How they answer questions

What will happen on the day?

  • Questioning and General Knowledge.

  • A Maths Assessment.

  • A literacy Assessment.

  • A writing Assessment.

  • An Art and Design Assessment.

  • A physical activity.

The price of the Mock Assessment is £350 and I will travel to any area within 8 mils of NW9. If you leave further than this and would still like to book a Mock Assessment, this will take place online.

4+ Mock Assessments take place on Saturday at 16:30 and last 1.5 hours, including a detailed discussion with me after the Mock. You will also receive a detailed report with how your child did and next steps.

If you are looking for a 4+ Mock Assessment for your child, look no further!

Book Today! Places are very limited.