Your child coming out of their 4+ Assessment happily is NOT an indication that they have passed.

So many parents are very excited when their child comes out of their 4+ Assessment happily. They make it mean that they did well and that they most likely have passed.

It does not mean this.

Of course, it’s great if your child comes out all smiles, happy and telling you with excitement and energy everything that they did (especially after a 90 minute assessment)! and of course you don’t want your child to come out upset, crying and telling you that they didn’t have a good time.

However, be very careful not to make it mean that they passed because they came out happily.

These 4+ Assessments are carefully designed by EYFS experts to be fun, exciting and engaging. How else would a 3 or 4 year old manage to stay in the Assessment for 60-90 minutes? The 4+ Assessments are supposed to be ‘fun’ for your child.

But hear me when I say, it is not the deciding factor.

As a parent what I would want to ask my child would be these questions:

What did you do?

Did you follow the instructions?

Did you listen to the teacher well?

Did you answer her questions?

What did you say?

What did she ask you?

Which activities did you do?

These will all give you an insight into whether or not they have passed their 4+ Assessment.

We now have to wait 2 full days until we receive our Haberdashers’ Round 1 results and I am so excited to hear how our little loves got on!

Preparing for the 4+ Assessment for 2026 entry? Book your Sample Lesson Today (please note that these will now be in January 2025)