Lessons learnt from the Habs' Boys' and Girls' Round 1 Assessment Results.


What a day Friday 20th December was for all of us here at Creative Minds Tutors.

It was a whirl wind of excitement. Receiving all of those messages from our clients blew my mind.

I know with certainty that we are the best at preparing for Haberdashers’ boys’ and girls’ not only at 4+ but at all ages and entry points. As a company, we have been preparing for this school for 4 years. Personally, I have been preparing children for this school for over 15 years. To work with me means gaining valuable insights into this incredible school and being in the best possible position to actually be offered a place.

Enough about me.

Onto my incredible students who clearly stole the show!

They clearly performed better than most other boys in the Assessment given that ALL of our boys passed their first round! It was slightly harder for our girls (I’ll publish our results later today - the boys’ results were published yesterday on our Instagram page @creative_minds _tutors)

Here is was we have learnt so far from the Habs’ Boys’ 4+ Assessment.

  • They are looking for calm and confident boys.

  • They are looking for boys who follow instructions well.

  • They are looking for boys with strong academic capabilities (more of this will be explored in round 2)

Here is was we have learnt so far from the Habs’ Gilrs’ 4+ Assessment.

  • They are looking for girls who are compliant and follow instructions perfectly.

  • They are looking for girls who listen well all of the time.

  • They are looking for girls with strong academic capabilities (more of this will be explored in round 2)

Our boys had varying preparation times. Some started preparing 9-12 months ago and some started preparing 3 months ago. They have all passed. Will this make a difference in Round 2? I will of course let you know.

Our girls also had varying preparation times. However, the girls who passed round 1 were the ones who have 9-12 months of Assessment preparation. Those who had less than this did not pass.

Habs’ Boys’ also had a very strong focus on the physical assessment, Habs’ girls’ did too but not as much focus on this as at the boys’ assessment. Habs’ for sure are looking for strong and confident boys and girls to come to their school.

Perhaps this shows you just how hard it is to pass this Assessment.

Round 2 will be even tougher! I don’t know the exact number of children called back but it will at least be 150. With only 40 places available at both Habs’ Boys’ and Girls’ are your really going to leave it to chance? Please don’t. You’ve worked way too hard to get to this point for me to let you do that!

Onto Round 2!

We are at full capacity but will be offering Curriculum Coaching to the first 5 children who book their Sample week by today.