The 4 puzzle pieces that MUST fit together in order for your child to PASS their + Assessments

I like to see the 4+ Assessments like a 4 piece puzzle.

All of the 4 pieces MUST slot together beautifully.

If they do, then your child will succeed and will highly likely pass their 4+ Assessments.

If they don’t come together beautifully then it is highly unlikely that your child will pass their 4+ Assessments.

Here are the 4 puzzle pieces for you. Slot them together to guarantee success!

  1. A desire to learn - This can’t be taught or tutored. This is innate. It comes from within. If can however be encouraged and developed through tuition.

  2. A thirst for challenge - Your child actually wanting to be challenged. Loving those challenges. Wanting more and more of it. This comes with practise and exposing your child to new and challenging things daily.

  3. A hunger to communicate - You child needs to love to speak to others and actually want to communicate with people that they’ve never met before.

  4. A strong sense of resilience - This is the toughest piece in my opinion. Developing a sense of resilience at the age of 2 and 3 is definitely a skill.

Which puzzle piece do you think will be the hardest on to prepare for?