Why should my child be disadvantaged because he is July born?
/Makes no sense to me.
But it makes a lot of sense to a lot of other parents.
I hear this daily!
‘I’m so worried because my child will be at a disadvantage’
‘It’s not fair because other children at the assessment will be nearly a whole year older than my child’
I fully understand their concerns but it is simply not true.
Your child will not be at a disadvantage.
Why do we, as a society choose to believe that summer born children are at a disadvantage compared to their Autumn born peers?
My son is summer born. July to be precise. I promise you that he will not be at a disadvantage compared to his autumn born peers.
Why should he be?
Yes, if he attends a 4+ Assessment, he will be one of the youngest.
So what?
Let’s look at this logically.
If I started preparing my child at the age of 1 and another parent starting preparing their child at the age of 2 then we would have both had a full year of preparing our children.
If I start preparing my child at the age of 1 and another parent also started preparing their Autumn born child at the age of 1, then absolutely they would have nearly one year more preparation than my son. However, it’s the quality of the preparation that counts.
So perhaps instead of thinking that our summer born babies will be disadvantaged compared to their autumn born peers, perhaps we just need to provide them with 3X the learning opportunities.
My son will not be at a disadvantage. I believe this 100%. And you should too.
Because ultimately, what is the upside of believing that they will be disadvantaged?
Prepare your child, prepare them well and I promise you that they will only have the advantage over other children.
Preparing for the 4+ Assessments for 2025 entry?
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