UCS 4+ Assessment - 'No preparation is needed for the playdate Assessments.'
/One of the most popular schools that we prepare for at 4+, I advise you to think carefully about this sentence.
I speak to hundreds of heart broken parents after the UCS Assessment each year who tell me this…
‘They (UCS) told us not to prepare for the Assessments and we didn’t. Our child did not pass.’
Some unprepared children would have passed the first round but not the second. So many parents contact me around November time to prepare for UCS at 4+. This is too late and I tell them as much. It is very rare that children have been successful to UCS with only 2 months of Assessment preparation.
If you’ve ever been to the 4+ Assessment (Round 1), you will know how busy it is on this day (think hundreds and hundreds of children).
The children are placed into their groups and in they go.
Round 1 is a typical 4+ Assessments and I still don’t understand why UCS call it a ‘play date’. The only thing I can think of is that they don’t want parents to worry. I’d rather my clients worried a bit and actually got their son’s in at 4+ rather than not worry and be unsuccessful!
Does ‘play date’ means going in and being observed doing lots and lots of different types of learning?
Don’t expect to pass the 4+ Assessment at UCS with little or no preparation. With only 32 places available and the number of applicants in the high hundreds, your son will need to demonstrate something very special in the Assessment.
I know what that something special is and I know exactly how to support your son with being incredibly successful. My team of exceptional 4+ Assessment teachers are ready to go. If you haven’t started yet, get started today.