3 Societal beliefs that will negatively impact your 4+ Assessment preparation.

Social conditioning is strong.

We are all socially very conditioned (including me by the way!)

It has taken me years to get out of this heavy social conditioning loop but I see it every single day in the parents that I speak to about assessment preparation. And I also still struggle with it every day myself!

Parents that I speak to everyday are socially conditioned by their family, their friends, their ‘well meaning’ neighbours and just in general by their own upbringing. I feel nothing but love and compassion for them BUT this social conditioning could be having a very negative impact on the success of their children in their 4+ Assessments.

Allow me to explain.

Societal belief #1

Online tuition isn’t as effective as in person tuition

Interesting then how hundreds of parents call me after the 4+ Assessment results are out and tell me that their child was unsuccessful in all of their 4+ Assessments and they had in person tuition.

If in person tuition was so effective, why don’t more students pass their 4+ Assessments after having had in person tuition?

I have nothing against in person tuition by the way, I did it myself for 13 years. Just be careful when believing that online tuition is somehow inferior to it. It isn’t.

Societal belief #2

Online tuition means exposing your child to more screen time.

That’s interesting. Your family and friends will comment on this and then put a device in their own children’s hands. I do not classify learning online with my own son as screen time. It’s up to you how you think about it. And not up to anybody else.

‘What, you let your child sit in front of a screen for 30 minutes to have a lesson?’

First of all, they are not ‘sitting in front of a screen’ as 4+ lessons are very hands on and interactive and also why don’t you reply back and tell them the value of these exceptional online lessons and the fact that these online lessons will be one of the keys to unlocking the doors to one of your dream schools for your child.

Societal belief #3

You will get more value for your money with an in person teacher.

That’s interesting considering that finding an in person teacher depends on where you are geographically. Whereas you can work with the best teachers online wherever you are located.

Parents would rather have someone come physically into their home to teach their child who has no experience with the schools that they are applying to just because the teacher can set foot into their home than have teachers who have over 10 years of experience in the 4+ Assessments and have a 15 year track record of successful students gaining entry into all of the top inner and outer London schools at 4+.

I really don’t care who you choose to prepare your child. What I care about is that your child passes their 4+ Assessments.

You decide.