3 signs you might be confused about the 4+ Assessment process.
/You’ve decided to prepare your child for their 4+ Assessments. You have chosen your dream schools and you have applied/are in the process of applying.
Now what?
I speak to hundreds of parents each and every month and some of them are very confused about the 4+ Assessment process. Unless they’ve been through this process before already, this is completely normal. How else would they know what to expect? Whoever you choose to support you with your 4+ Assessment preparations, I want to make sure that you are not confused and that you are knowledgeable about exactly what will be expected from your child in their 4+ Assessments.
Only in this way will you give your child the highest chances for success when it comes to passing their 4+ Assessments.
Here are 3 signs you might be confused about the 4+ Assessment process,
1.You think the 4+ Assessments will be easy.
Well, you know - after all your child is only 2 years old. So what?
The 4+ Assessments will be far from ‘easy’. They are rigorous, thorough and will assess every area of the EYFS curriculum + anything additional that a particular school would like to assess.
Get this thought out of your mind as quickly as possible to avoid sending your child into their 4+ Assessments completely unprepared.
One mother once told me this - ‘It was like sending him into a lion’s den. He had no chance.’
2. You think that your child doesn’t need tuition.
Call it whatever you want - your child needs tuition in order to even stand a chance of passing a 4+ Assessment. Whether you prepare your child thoroughly yourself or you get the help of a professional - teach your child and teach them well.
3. You believe that there is a right and a wrong decision.
Parents often tell me that they want to make the ‘right decision’ and I always assure them that there is no such thing. Take away that pressure from yourself. You make a decision and you stick with it. You can always pivot in the future. Perhaps the school you chose isn’t the right fit for your child in the future - no worries - you pivot and you try somewhere else.
We all want the highest quality education for our children. We all want the best and brightest futures for our children.
So prepare them well for what could be one of the most important assessments of their lives.
Join us for the ‘Prepare for your dream school by Friday challenge’ and be as prepared as you possible can to get the best results possible. Registration closes Sunday 26th January 2025.