Will an in person tutor be beneficial for your Assessment preparations?

Only if they have real and actual experience with the schools that you are applying to.

Having an in person teacher who doesn't have experience with the schools you are applying to will not lead to success.

There I’ve said it.

I was an in person tutor with no experience with these top schools when I first starting tutoring. We all have to start somewhere of course. I definitely did NOT have the results that I have now. 15 years ago Maria was just starting out. She had time on her hands to be able to go to her client’s homes and provide them with in person tuition. She did have some success but she definitely did not have the success that I have now with over 15 years of experience preparing children for top school all across the country.

But ultimately if you want to be successful in your child’s Assessments, you must work with a teacher who is very experienced with the schools that you are applying to. If not, why do you think this teacher will help your child to secure a place at your dream schools?

Our biggest resistance from potential new clients is the fact that they believe that having an in person tutor will be superior than having an online tutor. Many tell me that they are traditional, others tell me that they want their child to be nurtured by having someone physically present and others simply do not understand how online tuition works.

They are simply sabotaging their Assessment preparation. Unless you find a teacher who has real and actual experience with the schools that you want to send your child to, simply choosing a teacher on the basis that they can enter your home or that you can drop your child to them will not lead to thee success that you desire- sadly.

Interestingly and sadly, the parents that say no to us initially are usually unsuccessful to their schools of choice.

An in person tutor with real and actual experience with the Assessments at the schools that you are applying to and that can be found within your local area is going to be very hard to find. So what tends to happen?

Parents reach out to their local tutoring agency (if there is one!) and that agency sends over a teacher but more often than not has no experience with the schools that they are applying to. Or parents take their children to a tutoring centre.

How is this better than working with a teacher who fully understands the schools that you are applying to? Who fully understands exactly what the schools that you are applying to are actually looking for? How is this better than working with a teacher who knows historically what has come up in the Assessments at the schools that you would like to send your child to?

Parents cannot answer these questions when I ask them. They just tell me that ‘in person is best’

If it is, great! But this is not what I have found personally!

You want to work with a teacher who knows the schools that you are applying to exceptionally well. That should be your number one priority when choosing who to work with in preparation for your child’s Assessments.

Another reason I sometimes get is that parents want to ‘save money’. This makes no sense. If you want to get your child into a 25k - 50k a year school, saving money is not the way to do this!

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