The best 4+ Assessment Tip I've Ever Heard
/I speak to hundreds of parents now every single month who are preparing their children for their 4+ Assessments.
Yesterday I heard the best 4+ Assessment tip and I wanted to share it with you.
You see what I’m hearing lately is that many of you want to hand over 4+ Assessment preparation to someone else. As in, you want your child’s nursery or pre-prep to prepare them or you want your child’s tuition centre to prepare them. After all, you’re paying good money as it is for these places, isn’t that what they should be doing?
I see it very differently.
I pay a lot of money for my son’s nursery too but guess what? I’ve never once had the thought that it is up to them to educate him. It isn’t. It is up to me. What’s their job then? Their job is to provide my son with the highest quality of care whilst he is there. That is all.
My son isn’t currently preparing for his 4+ Assessments but I educate him to the highest possible standard myself.
If your child is preparing for their 4+ Assessment, let me share with you this incredible tip that I heard yesterday from one of my clients. He top tip is this.
Don’t rely on anyone else to prepare your child for their 4+ Assessments.
And it got me thinking. The clients who have the most success in the 4+ Assessments are those that take full ownership of their child’s 4+ Assessment preparations. They are the clients who show up every single day to do even just 10 minutes of learning consistently with their children. They are the clients who take the time to ask me thousands of questions to support them to understand the 4+ Assessment process just that little bit better.
Nobody will ever care about the success of your child more than you do (no matter how good their advertising is at telling you how much they care!)