'Don't tutor your child for the 4+ Assessments!'

The schools you visit WILL tell you to not prepare your child for their 4+ Assessments.

The schools WILL tell you that tuition is not necessary for the 4+ Assessments.

Expect them to tell you this.

Perhaps you should turn around and ask them why this is.

They will tell you that they will be able to tell who has been ‘tutored’. And you will probably believe this too. You will trust what they say to be the truth.

If they tell you this, perhaps you should ask them how they know.

Remember, you are the one who wants your child to pass their 4+ Assessments at the school.

It really saddens me that a parent would send their precious child into a 4+ Assessment with zero preparation. How do you expect that child will do?

I would never send my son to a 4+ Assessment unprepared. It’s obviously up to you what you choose to do.

How do you expect that they will do compared to hundreds of children who have received formal preparation for their 4+ Assessment? How will they compare to children who have spent nearly 12 months working hard preparing for their 4+ Assessment?

They will not do well and they will most likely not pass. This is not just my opinion. This is actually what I’ve seen happen year after year after year.

Hundreds of children are applying for very few places. If your child isn’t prepared, please do tell me how they will pass their Assessments?

If there are hundreds of children applying for very few places, who do you think will be successful?

Will it be the child who knows how to answer questions or the child who doesn’t?

Will it be the child who knows how to write their name or the child who doesn’t?

Will it be the child who knows how to hold their pencil or the one who doesn’t?

These are just a few of the skills that need to be taught!

Applying to even sit Assessments at these Top schools costs a lot of money, why risk being unsuccessful when you can go all in and ensure that your child is as ready as they can be to really shine!

Sending your child to a top school like Haberdashers for example will cost you around 23k per year (pre-prep - Year 2)

If you prepare your child for 6 months with Creative Minds Tutors for their 4+ Assessments, you are investing around £1500. If you prepare them for 9 months, you are investing around £2,250. I think that’s an investment worth spending to ensure the best possible chances of success for your child at your dream school of choice.

You choose if you want to listen to what you are told. Or you can join hundreds of my clients who have chosen to take assessment preparation into their own hands and ensure that their children are prepared to the highest possible standards to even have a chance of passing their 4+ Assessments.