A curiosity for learning and a confidence that shines. What it takes to pass NLCS at 4+

I’ve written several very informative blogs about NLCS at 4+ so I won’t be repeating myself. To read these, simply search for NLCS in my Blogs!

I speak to many parents who are often surprised that their daughter did not pass her 4+ Assessment at NLCS.

If NLCS is the school of your dreams for your daughter, then you really need to go all in when preparing her for her 4+ Assessment at this school. After all, with only 8-10 places available at 7+, your next chance will be at 11+!

This is why I struggle to understand parents who come to me with less than 3-4 months left to prepare their daughter, have done hardly any prep and then tell me that they are surprised when their daughter doesn’t get a place.

If I had a daughter and I wanted her to go to NLCS, I would have started preparing her from 1 year of age!

This is school is so overly subscribed at 4+. With numbers in the very high hundreds (perhaps even over 1000) and with only 40 places available, you can see why it is so challenging to be offered a place at 4+.

After 15 years preparing my girls for this school, this is what I’ve learnt.

My girls who are successful are my girls who have a curiosity for learning and a confidence that shines. They are curious about everything, They want to know more about everything, They ask questions about everything. They want to answer my questions. They want more, more more! They have a confidence that shines. They can be timid but they exude confidence. They know what they want and they know they will get it!

This is the type of girl NLCS is looking for.

And you can prepare for this! 100% you can.

You have a very rare opportunity to work with me at this point. I have 2 new spaces that have just opened up!

Book your Sample Lesson today.

My 2 secrets to passing the 4+ Assessment at Ken Prep

Myself and my team have prepared hundreds of girls to be very successful at Kensington prep over the last 15 years.

We’ve also prepared a few girls who have not been successful at gaining entry to Kensington Prep.

We know exactly how to prepare our girls to go into Ken Prep and PASS their 4+ Assessment.

The girls who we have prepared who did not pass the Ken Prep Assessment have always been the girls who didn’t start early enough. Girls who have one or two lessons here and there. Girls who started two months before the assessment. This is not enough time. And I tell my clients as much. I tell them this not to discourage them but because I know it to be the truth. And sadly, I am usually right.

On their Website, Ken Prep go on about what a lovely, cozy assessment it will be and that although they are an academic school that their 4+ Assessment will not be so. They write, ‘We observe how they interact, explore and explain what they are doing.’

I believe that this is extremely accurate but also very misleading to parents who perhaps have never been through the process of the 4+ Assessments.

Some parents will read this and just think that their daughter will go in and have a fun time, play a few games and be offered a place. This is not the case… At all. In fact, hundreds of girls will be unsuccessful at gaining a place at Kensington Prep.

Ken Prep then go on to write, ‘Offers are based on an assessment of your daughter’s academic potential, ability and attitude.’

Again, very accurate. And exactly what they are looking for.

Academic potential can be prepared for.

Academic ability can be prepared for.

Attitude for learning can be prepared for.

They then say, ‘We are looking for girls – no matter what their personality, introvert or extrovert – who are alert and curious with an enthusiasm to learn.’

Again spot on!

Here are my 2 secrets for PASSING this Assessment.

  1. Start early - At the very minimum 9 months before the Assessment. I recommend 12 months of Assessment preparation for Kensington Prep.

  2. Prepare your daughter to be able to go in and answer questions with confidence. I’ve supported girls who are very shy to be successful at Ken prep. It’s not about being shy or not shy. It’s about being able to answer all questions with confidence and clarity.

If you are preparing your daughter for Kensington Prep School, book your Sample Lesson today.

How to prepare for the JAGS 4+ Assessment with confidence.

James Allen’s Girls’ School

A rigorous and highly competitive 4+ Assessment.

With only 36 places on offer and hundreds and hundreds of applicants, it is important to prepare thoroughly for JAGS (as with all other schools at 4+)

In order to prepare for the JAGS assessment with confidence, you firstly need to know exactly what they are looking for in their successful candidates.

JAGS want to see how your daughter will get on as part of a classroom setting. Therefore when you are preparing for the 4+ Assessment at JAGS you will want to be working on things like social skills, independence, team working skills, listening skills, maintaining eye contact with adults when they speak to her and interacting with confidence with both adults and children. Of course, you still need to work on all areas of the EYFS curriculum.

The JAGS website give absolutely nothing away about the 4+ Assessment. We have been preparing many girls for assessment at this school and we know exactly what the school is looking for in their prospective new students!

Prepare with confidence by ensuring that your daughter goes in with confidence and ready to answer any question that she is asked!

Book your Sample Lesson today!

The complexities of the Highgate 4+ Assessment

Hundreds and hundreds of children will have applied for the Highgate 4+ Assessment (2025 entry).

This school is so popular that they have a Ballot system in place. Most parents that I speak to are not aware of this until I tell them! Most parents I speak to are very surprised when their child isn’t even offered the chance to come to the first round at Highgate.

I’ve written several blogs about Highgate at 4+ so search for them!

Siblings and children of staff will all be invited to the first round. All other children will be chosen by ballot. Therefore, applying to this school does not guarantee that your child will even be assessed!

After the first round 180 children will be invited to Round 2!

So to pass the first round will be VERY challenging!

If your child is able to pass the first round, they have a 1:3 chance of being successful at Round 2! Round 2 is tough. It is ‘play based’ but your child’s ability to play is not what is being assessed, let’s be very clear about this.

Round 2 has been described by my clients as ‘rigorous!’.

My students have told me that they were ‘exhausted’ after the second round and that it was ‘hard’!

Highgate talk about ‘learning readiness’ and that this is what is assessed in the first round. Basically how ready your child is to actually come to their school and learn!

Parents often ask me how Highgate assesses ‘learning readiness’?

It will be very obvious to the assessors which children are ready to come to their school. And this is what they will be assessing in the 4+ Assessment.

Sending your child to Highgate for their 4+ Assessment is a very complex process. One that you 100% need support with. Myself and my team of expert teachers will support you every step of the way. All of my clients have that slight edge over other clients because myself and my team have real and actual experience with Highgate. We have supported hundreds of students to have tremendous success at this school for over 15 years!

Book your Sample lesson today!

Think what you want about the UCS 'Playdate Assessment' BUT if you want to be successful, listen to me!

  1. It is NOT a ‘playdate’.

I won’t go on about this as I’ve spoken about it several times in my blogs. Simply search for ‘UCS’.

What is a ‘play date’ to you?

Is a play date being in a large group with hundreds of other boys?

Is a play date being observed by several adults in the room?

Is a play date being asked lots and lots of questions?

Is a play date being asked to do activities and then being watched as you do them?

If your answer is ‘Yes!’ to any of those questions, then sure it is a playdate!

2. This term catches parents out because they don’t take it seriously enough.

How many times have I heard parents say to me, ‘It’s just a play date!’ and ‘They’ve told us not to prepare!’ and ‘Why stress, he’s only 3!’

Take the UCS 4+ Assessment very seriously or you will not be successful. It is as simple as that.

This is such an over subscribed school at 4+. There may be hundreds and hundreds of applicants for only 32 places available. Remember that!

3. The fact that UCS still say that ‘no preparation is required’ after all these years of parents not preparing their sons and not being successful is intriguing to me.

Parents will ask me why UCS say this.

It’s intriguing to me but it is also irrelevant.

Who cares why they say this?

Many people say many things. Does it mean you need to believe them?

Believe what you want.

Or believe me when I tell you that after 15 years of preparing my boys to be VERY successful at this school, that you absolutely must prepare for UCS and you must prepare very well.

You have ONLY 3 months left to prepare.

Book your Sample lesson with a Senior Tutor today.

2 things you should NEVER do if you are preparing your child for City Junior School at 7+

We have been preparing children for the City Junior School 7+ Assessment for over 14 years!

We have had tremendous success.

We know exactly what this school is looking for and we know exactly how to prepare our students to go into their Assessments at City and pass both rounds with ease, calm and confidence!

So if your child is preparing for City, you will definitely want to read on!

The first stage of assessments will be held on Friday 29 November 2024. Children will sit papers in mathematics, reading comprehension and creative writing.

The first stage is very challenging to pass and your child needs to be at a very high level and scoring between 85% and 90% across the board in maths, comprehension and writing.

If your child passes the first round, they are invited to the second round which will be between Thursday 9 to Thursday 16 January 2025. This will be a group task and a 1:1 interview.

Passing round two is even harder than round 1.

If you are preparing for City (boys or girls), here are two things you should NEVER do.

1. Do not send your child to Round 1 if your child has not written at least 10 stories that have been edited at least once or twice. Don’t expect your child to pass the Creative Writing component of the 7+ Assessment (Round 1) if they’ve not at least done this as a bare minimum.

2. Work with a teacher just because they specialise in 7+ Assessment preparation. The teacher your work with must have had success at City. This is imperative because the teacher you work with needs to know what is expected at City.

If you are preparing for City (boys or girls) for 2026 entry, join our waiting list today (for lessons with our Company Director, Maria Mazarese

If you are preparing for City (boys or girls) for 2025 entry, book your Sample lesson with a Senior Tutor today.

5 ways I will change your perspective about 4+ Assessment preparation

These are 5 common beliefs that I encounter when I first start working with clients who are preparing their children for their 4+ Assessments. I am going to share these 5 common beliefs with you because I am sure that you hold one of these beliefs too. No judgement at all. If you’ve never been through this process before, it’s not your fault.

I’ve been through this process every single year for the last 15 years. I’ve been through this process for the last 15 years because I have been preparing my students to be very successful in their 4+ Assessments for the last 15 years.

I speak from my experience. I speak with the hope of helping hundreds of parents to have the same successes that my clients have had.

I know how important it is to choose the best education for our children. I take none of this lightly. I am passionate about supporting each and every one of my clients to have tremendous success. After all their success is my success!

Here are the 5 common beliefs that my clients have when I first start working with them.

1. The 4+ Assessments will be easy.

Now, the word ‘easy’ means different things to all of us. But essentially what they believe is that their child will go in, play a few games, show how amazing they are and be offered a place.


It’s a whole process. Each school is different in terms of their expectations and believe me, the 4+ Assessments are far from ‘easy’.

2. The schools will know who has been tutored and it will go against my clild.

If your tutor has prepared your child to the highest of standards as we prepare our students, how on earth will the school know that your child has been tutored? Remember - this is a competition. Out of hundreds and hundreds of applicants, your child needs to show something extraordinary to actually pass and be offered a place.

3. My other child goes there so I don’t need to prepare.

Absolutely not.

Most schools do not have a sibling policy in place and even if they say they do - they don’t. One school that has a very strong sibling policy is Chigwell. In order to pass their 4+ Assessment your child will need to do exceptionally well in the assessment/s regardless of the fact that they have a sibling who already attends the school.

4. I went to the school so my child will have more chance of being successful.


That’s great that you went to that school! But this has zero to do with your child being offered a place on that basis. If they are offered a place, please don’t for one second think it’s because of you having gone to that school too!

5. I don’t need to prepare my child.

Ok, good luck with that! I don’t have anything else to say about that one.

Take the process seriously if you want to have serious success.

Join my Waiting List today for January/February 2025.

Book your Sample lesson with a Senior Tutor today.

Top 3 tips to make teaching puzzle skills easier.

I see a lot of frustration when it comes to teaching puzzle skills.

My clients don’t understand why their son or daughter can’t slot the pieces together.

Parents that I speak to compare what their child can do to what another child they know can do and I hear things like, ‘JoJo next door can do 24 piece puzzles and my son can’t even do a 4 piece puzzle yet!’ and ‘My niece has been doing puzzles since she was one and my daughter has no interest in doing a puzzle!’

First of all, I am not a fan of comparing one child to another. It’s not helpful and it’s detrimental to the child if they hear themselves being compared. Second of all, why do we have to put timeframes on everything?

Perhaps your child will be more interested in puzzles in a few months time rather than right now. Perhaps they are more interested in lego right now. Perhaps they are more interested in running around outside right now.

Here are my 3 top tips to make puzzle skills easier.

1. If you really want your child to be able to do puzzles from a young age, expose them to puzzles early on.

As in from as early as one year of age.

2. Start off with age appropriate puzzles.

Wooden peg puzzles are the ones we started out with when Joshua was one year old.

He was not a fan and it took him a few months to even show interest in picking up on of the peg pieces.

Then you need to be systematic with it. Move onto 2 piece puzzles, then 4 and then 6 etc.

3. Trust in the process.

Do even just a few minutes of puzzles every single day. Even if you just sit and do it yourself so that your child is watching you do it. Don’t get frustrated when they can’t do it/don’t want to do it. Allow them the time and space they need to develop the skills to be able to do it. Joshua is still not enthralled with puzzles. He always asks me to help him. And he is still developing the skills to be able to pick up one piece and slot it into the other piece. I still do puzzles with him every single day.

Parents always ask me this question…

“How many pieces will they be asked to complete in their Assessment?’

It’s irrelevant and not important.

It could be a 6 piece/12 piece/24 piece puzzle. It does not matter. What will be observed will be HOW your child completes the puzzle. Which strategies they use to complete the puzzle. HOW they complete the puzzle independently or as part of a group.

We support our students to become masters of completing puzzles so that they can go into any 4+ Assessment and complete any puzzle placed in front of them!

Sitting your child for their 4+ Assessment for 2026 entry?

Join our February Waiting List today!

The TRUTH about NLCS at 7+

It surprises me how many parents that I talk to who actually don’t know how many girls are offered a place in Year 3 at this school.

It surprises me how many parents I talk to who think that they can start preparing their daughter for their 7+ Assessment at NLCS a few months before the assessment.

Many (many!) girls will apply to this school to sit their 7+ Assessments. As in hundreds and hundreds. There are 7-10 places available.

A parent told me this the other day, ‘I’ve heard it’s easier to get in at 7+ than at 11+!’

Well, you’d be wrong about that (and that’s exactly what I told her). At 11+ there are 60 places available so not sure how they worked this one out!

Some girls will be applying for the first time, Many girls will be applying after not having been successful to this school at 4+.

In order to pass round one, your daughter will need to demonstrate academic excellence in their assessments. Your daughter will be scoring at least 85% in her assessments in order to pass the first round.

NLCS will then call back the girls who scored the highest in their assessments to the second round. This will be very tough to pass and you need to work with a teacher who can guide you with what exactly the school is looking for in this round. The second round is a day at school.

Because it is a ‘day at school’ many parents tell me that they didn’t prepare for this at all.

Don’t do this.

Prepare for round 2 as well as you prepared for round 1.

And if you don’t know how to, work with someone who does!

Book your Sample Lesson today.

2 things parents preparing for the 7+ at South Hampstead must never do.

South Hampstead is another popular school that we prepare our girls for at 7+. We have exceptional success at this school year after year. However, if you are preparing your daughter for this school at 7+, you must be aware that it is very hard to get into.

First of all, there are only 24 place at 7+.

Hundreds and hundreds of girls will be applying to sit assessment at South Hampstead.

Here’s what you need to know in 3 bullet points.

  • Apply by 2/10/24

  • Attend taster session on 1/10/24

  • Round 1 is 11/10/24 and Round 2 is in January.

Here are 2 things you must never do if your daughter is sitting her 7+ Assessment at South Hampstead:

1. Assume that just because they have passed the first round, that they will simply pass the second round.

Absolutely not.

In order to pass the 1st round, your daughter will need to demonstrate exceptional academic excellence. She will be at the very minimum at mastery level (Year 2 curriculum) and she will have scored in the high 80% range in her 7+ Assessments (all round).

Round 2 is a group activity and interview. There are still academic aspects in the second round but here they are looking at your daughter’s character too.

We prepare our girls thoroughly for both rounds.

2. Neglect preparing for the second round until they have heard about the first round.

This is far too late!

One of my clients last year told me this…

‘Don’t bother preparing her for her second round until we know for sure that she will pass the first round.’

I told her not to do this. She disagreed.

Her daughter passed the first round and she only had three lessons with me to prepare for the second round. She did not pass.

What a shame to work so hard preparing for the first round, only to neglect the second round.

3 signs your child is NOT ready to sit the Latymer 7+ Assessment (2025 entry)

The past 2 weeks, I have spoken to several parents who want myself and my team to prepare their children for the 7+ Assessments at Latymer for 2025 entry. There are only 4 months left until the 1st round at this school. The second round is a couple of weeks after the first round. This is not enough time to prepare calmly.

Latymer has very high expectations at 7+ and preparation needs to happen at least one year before the 7+ Assessments. This is not to say that your child won’t be successful if you start now. Just expect it to be far more intense than if you started 9 months ago!

Here are three signs that yous child is NOT ready to sit their 7+ Assessment in January 2025.

1. Your child is not writing stories with three clear paragraphs, linked to the title and filled with descriptive language. At the time of writing this blog (September 2024), writing doesn’t yet have to be perfect but it would be helpful if your child already knows what is needed within their story so that the skills needed to master story writing can be developed in the next 4 months.

2. Your child is not scoring at least 80% across the board in their english and maths assessments.

3. Their maths is not at mastery level/greater depth (for the year 2 curriculum). I am talking about all of the year 2 curriculum and not just the Autumn term!

We have prepared hundreds of children to be very successful at this school. If you are preparing for Latymer (2025 or 2026 entry) book your Sample Lesson today!

3 signs your son is ready to sit his 7+ Assessment at St Paul's

50 boys will be admitted to join Year 3 each year at St. Paul’s. Hundreds upon hundreds of boys will be applying to this school each and every year.

One of the most challenging schools to prepare for at 7+, I recommend you start with at least one year of preparation time. Parents often contact me two months before the first round. Unless your son has been thoroughly prepared already to this point, this is not enough time. And if you think it is, you are wrong.

Application for 2025 entry is still open.

Many parents are surprised that their son was unsuccessful to this school after they’ve sat the assessment/s. Don’t be surprised, be prepared.

Such a highly competitive, sought after school, you will want to prepare your son to the highest standard with teachers who know this school historically and know exactly what St Paul’s is looking for in their prospective new students.

Here are the 3 signs that your son is ready to sit his 7+ Assessments at St. Paul’s (2025 entry)

1. Your son will be expected to be at greater depth in the year 2 curriculum (all of the curriculum). This is what trips parents up. Not just the curriculum up until when the assessment takes place! Do note that aspects of the Year 3 curriculum will also be assessed! This is why it is imperative that you start EARLY.

2. Your son will have strong vocabulary - as in know the meaning of most words or be able to infer their meaning given the context of the text they are reading. Your son will also be passionate about reading and will have strong spelling skills.

3. Your son will be very strong mathematically and be scoring above 85% consistently in maths papers. His maths reasoning and problem solving skills will be strong too.

Don’t forget to prepare for the second round alongside preparation for the first round!

If you are preparing for St. Paul’s (2026 entry), book your Sample lesson today.

3 Top Tips to make Westminster 7+ Assessment preparation easier.

We are currently preparing several of our students for their Westminster 7+ Assessment this year and next year (8+ too!).

Here are 3 top tips if you are preparing for the Westminster 7+ Assessment.

You want to always try to simplify your 7+ Assessment preparations. I know it can seem overwhelming but it really doesn’t have to be.

1. Choose a teacher who has prepared boys for this school (girls soon!)

Don’t just choose any teacher who offers 7+ Assessment preparation. Don’t just ask what they charge. If you want your son to have any chance of passing his first Round at this school, you need a teacher with at least 5 years of experience preparing boys for this school and you need a teacher who knows historically what has come up. Otherwise how on earth can the teacher that you work with prepare your son for his 7+ Assessment at Westminster? Some parents want to save money on tuition. Trust me, you don’t want to do this. You will spend thousands more getting your child ready for his 8+ or 11+.

2. Understand both rounds well.

If you don’t know what to prepare your son (and daughter soon!) for how will they ever be successful?

You need to know exactly what will come up in the first and second rounds and prepare just for those things.


Here it is simplified for you.

Round 1 - Maths (We teach up to the year 3 curriculum for Westminster and some of the Year 4 Curriculum), English (writing and reading, SPAG), Verbal Reasoning and Non Verbal Reasoning.

Round 2 - Classroom activity and interview (interviewed by the Master and one other member of the SLT)

Only 50 boys will be invited back for Round 2. So if your son is invited back, they will have done exceptionally well at round 1. Hundreds and hundreds of boys will apply to sit their 7+ at Westminster Under School!

3. Allow yourself at least 1 year to prepare your child for their 7+ Assessment at this school. This is not to say that if you leave it later, you cannot be successful. You absolutely can be with the right guidance and preparation but your child will need more intensive preparation.

Out of the 50 boys selected for Round 2, only 22 boys will be offered a place!

We know exactly how to prepare our students for both rounds.

Book your Sample lesson today!

Everything you need to know about the Glendower 4+ Assessment.

Glendower is another popular school that we prepare our girls for.

Usually it is between Glendower and Kensington Prep that parents want to send their girls to.

Glendower is often the school that is chosen when my clients have the choice between the two.

Assessment at 4+ at Glendower is in very small groups of 6 girls with 3-4 assessors.

Read that again.

6 girls with 4 adults observing.

This is what Glendower is looking for…

Social maturity

Readiness to learn in a group situation



A “can do” approach


Numeracy skills

Letter recognition

Ability to follow instructions

So if you are preparing your daughter for Glendower, you will need to focus on these skills in order for her to go in and be successful in this assessment.

With only 40 places available and hundreds of girls applying for this school, you will want to prepare your daughter very well for this assessment.

You will want to work with the best of the best.

You do not want to leave it to chance or luck. You will simply not be successful.

I’ve had parents contact me two weeks before the Glendower Assessment. It’s a no. Their daughters would not pass this assessment and I tell them as much and I am always right (sadly).

Give yourself at least a full year of Assessment preparation.

We have had incredible success with the 4+ Assessment at Glendower and we would be delighted to support your daughter to be very successful too.

If you are sitting for 2025 entry, book your Sample lesson today.

If you are sitting for 2026 entry, join our waiting list to begin in February 2025.

Our reviews from our clients who were successful for 2024 entry. Our girls started at Glendower last week and are absolutely loving it! I’ve received so many photos from my clients of their daughters in their Glendower uniforms looking so happy and loving their new school. So happy to have been part of their journeys. Many of them continue to meet with me weekly which is just wonderful.

Prepare for the Westminster Under school 4+ Assessment like a BOSS

Very exciting!

From 2026 boys AND GIRLS will be welcomed to join Westminster Under school at 4+.

Joining Reception at Westminster Under School in an incredible opportunity.

I was taken personally on a tour of Westminster Under School several years ago and I was very impressed. What an incredible school.

Prepare for this school like a BOSS and guarantee success in your child’s 4+ Assessments in 2025.

First of all you must REGISTER your child. You can do so now!

Registration will close on the 30th September 2025. Add this date to your diary so you don’t miss the deadline.

Fees per year for WUS are £25,875 per year (£8625 per term)

From year 5 fees are currently £26523 per year (£8841 per term)

Once you have applied, you will be invited to attend a school visit in Spring of 2025 (dates to be released by the school)

Here is WUS say that they are looking for in a student:

At all entry age points at the Under School, we look for potential in the children, and for boys and girls who have natural ability and who will, therefore, thrive here. Our challenge is to find that potential in children whose natural ability will grow with the opportunities a Westminster education provides.

Don’t take ‘natural ability’ to mean that you do not need to thoroughly prepare your child for this Assessment.

WUS call their Assessment a Classroom Activity and here is how they describe it…

For the 4+ entrance assessments, we will conduct a play-focused classroom activity that allows children to actively engage. We aim to create an informal and welcoming atmosphere for assessment day, offering a relaxed setting where children are encouraged to have fun and participate to the best of their abilities.

Very Vague Westminster!

They don’t give much away at all do they!

Here’s one thing that I do know for sure. This school will have hundreds and hundreds of applications for the first ever 4+ Assessment. Perhaps the number will reach the thousands.

Your son or daughter will need to demonstrate something exceptional to WUS on the day of the Assessment. That is all I will say.

It will be harder to prepare your child for this school compared to others because we have no historical data to compare.

However, we know WUS very well. We prepare hundreds of boys for the 7+ each and every year. We know the expectations. We know that qualities they are looking for within the children that they will admit to their school.

So if you are preparing for WUS for 2026 entry, book your Sample lesson lesson today.

The Henrietta Barnet School - What you need to know.

Admission to The Henrietta Barnett School for Year 7 is by academic selection, with a First Round Entrance Test in Verbal, Non-Verbal reasoning and English, followed by a Second Round English and Mathematics test.

You must register your daughter from mid April to mid July via the Admissions section of the school’s website.

The application form is completed online.

Applications are now closed for 2025 entry.

First round Assessments were 3rd and 4th September 2024. Second round is on the 2nd of October.

National offer day is on the 1st of March 2025.

There is no catchment area and anyone can apply to sit assessment at HB.

The open day was on the 11th of July 2024.

Only children in Year 5 were able to attend the Open Day due to the over subscription at the school.

HB recommend the GL Assessment papers and they do not release past papers.

You can access the free materials here. Otherwise the Assessment papers will need to be purchased.

The scores will be age standardised.

You can read the Admissions Policy here.

You can read the Admissions FAQ here.

Round 1 will be a verbal, non- verbal and English Assessment. The top 300 candidates will be invited to sit Round 2. So as you can see, entry is highly academically selective. In order to pass round 1, your daughter needs to be in the top 300. Round 2 is an English and Maths Assessment. After the second round, results will be combined with the first round and standardised.

There are only 104 places at Henrietta Barnet.

We have prepared hundreds of girls to be very successful in their 11+ Assessments and be offered a place at HB.

Are you preparing your daughter for Henrietta Barnet? Book your Sample lesson today and see how our exceptional lessons will take her learning to the next level and support her to pass this Assessment with calm and ease.

Watford Grammar School for Girls - What you need to know.

The next open evening for secondary school transfer will be Thursday 17th October 2024 from 6-8pm.

210 new Year 7 girls will join Watford Grammar each year.

Registration for 2025 entry closed on Friday 14th June.

The academic test was on Saturday 7th September. The school also holds music tests (2 rounds) and sports tests for specific students.

872 applications were received for 210 places. This is why it is crucial to prepare your child. Look how competitive it is to get in. Nearly 900 applicants for 210 places!

The application is to be completed online.

Admissions criteria can be read here.

Here it is summed up for you.

Admission is divided into two parts:

a) Community

1. Looked After Children and children who were previously looked after, including those who appear (to Watford Grammar School for Girls) to have been in state care outside of England, but ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted or became subject to a child arrangement order or a special guardianship order.

2. Girls whose normal home address is nearest to the school and who would not be allocated a place under any other criterion, except criterion 6 (up to 21 places, 10% of the total admissions).

3. Girls with a parent who is a permanent full-time or part-time member of the school staff (inclusive of teaching and support staff roles). To qualify, the member of staff must either have been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission is made or have been recruited to fill a post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage. In all cases, the member of staff must have parental responsibility (sole or shared) for the girl.

4. Girls with a sibling (sister) enrolled at the school, excluding sisters who first entered the school in the Sixth Form (Year 12 or Year 13).

5. Girls with a sibling (brother) enrolled at Watford Grammar School for Boys, excluding brothers who first entered the school in the Sixth Form (Year 12 or Year 13). 6. Places will then be allocated to girls in increasing distance order using straight line distance between the family’s normal home address and the school.


1. Girls selected on the basis of aptitude for music as measured by the school's assessment procedures, in merit order (up to 21 places, 10% of total admissions).

8. Girls selected by academic ability as measured by the school’s assessment procedures, in merit order (52 places, 25% of total admissions)

WGS recommends that all girls sit their Assessments apart from those in groups 1, 3 and 4.

Myself and my team of specialist Grammar School teachers have personally taught hundreds of girls and prepared them to be very successful at WGS. If your daughter will be applying to this school, book your Sample lesson today.

What EVERYONE must know about Grammar School preparation.

I speak to hundreds of parents each year who are preparing their children for their Grammar School Assessment for the 11+. What surprises me the most is how much confusion there is around Grammar School Assessment preparation.

I don’t blame them. If you take some time to read through the Entry Criteria for the Grammar schools that you are applying to, it is very unclear.

It is very clear to me because I have been preparing boys and girls for Grammar schools at 11+ for over 15 years. I know exactly what each Grammar School is looking for and how my students can be incredibly successful in their assessments.

It is very simple.

Some grammar schools have academic testing and some don’t.

Know what the assessment process at the schools you are applying to will be like and know them well.

What you MUST know is this…

Entry to any Grammar School will be due to this main factor.

Academic excellence.

Your child’s report will need to demonstrate this.

Thousands of parents apply to sit their child for a Grammar School place. Even more will be applying once VAT is added to Private School fees.

First and foremost, your child needs to stand out from the crowd by showing their academic excellence. They will show this in their report card and in their assessment (if the school has an assessment). Always keep in mind that your child will be ONE out of THOUSANDS of applicants.

Prepare your child to be able to get into any Grammar school with our Home Learning Support Packages. Brand new places now available from February 2025. Secure yours today.

How to prepare for the Chigwell 4+ Assessments with only 3-6 weeks left!

This year, I am personally preparing 5 children for the Chigwell 4+ Assessment. They have all been with me for at least 8 months. My recommendation for preparation at this schools is 8-12 months. This is because I have seen the most success with this time duration.

I am so excited for my students who will be going to their assessments at the end of September. I know that they have been prepared to the highest standard and I know that they will go in and shine. I know that they are equipped with the skills to be able to answer any question that they are asked, to be able to complete any activity and to be able to go in and truly thrive.

If your child is sitting the Chigwell 4+ Assessment in the next 3-6 weeks, here are my recommendations for how to prepare.

  1. Lots and lots of questioning - your child will need to communicate exceptionally well to be offered a place at Chigwell. I wouldn’t recommend sending your child in to this assessment, if they are unable to do this.

  2. Focus on listening skills - your child will need to listen and engage with a story and demonstrate high levels of listening skills. Listening also includes how your child responds to what they have heard.

  3. Cover all of the curriculum to a very high standard.

If you don’t know the curriculum and you need further support, I would suggest you book the Gold Package with one of our Senior teachers so take your child’s learning and understanding to the level it needs to be in order to pass this assessment.

The Chigwell 4+ Assessment is not easy.

Chigwell at 4+ is very over subscribed.

Chigwell will be looking for something specific in their students.

If you don’t know what they are looking for, work with someone who does.

We have supported children to be very successful at this school.

Here is a testimonial from one of my clients whose son has started at Chigwell this year…

You can read it here.

I would highly recommend Maria!!! SHE IS SIMPLY THE BEST!

We knew we wanted to send our son to a school that required him to sit the 4+ assessments. I did not know what was needed to prep him. I searched online and came across creative mind tutors. After having read their blog posts on their website, i had a discovery call with Maria. During this call she listened to me and I instantly knew she would be right for us. Her knowledge of the curriculum is outstanding.

We started with her curriculum sprints and then embarked on weekly tutuion sessions online. Maria was kind, patient and structured. She knew exactly what needed to be done and was aware of the timeline we had.

Our son got offers from all the schools we applied to and I am so grateful to Maria for making the whole experience fun and enjoyable for little children.

Thank you so much Maria!

To book your Gold Package, simply schedule your Sample lesson today.

Why our 4+ Mock Assessments are such incredible value for money.

The 4+ Mock Assessments are my final product that I offer in person. 

For only £350 I will personally come to your home and provide a Mock Assessment for your child. 

What will happen on the day?

The Mock Assessment will be planned according to the schools that your child will be sitting Assessment at. It will truly be bespoke to your child. After you have booked your Mock Assessment, you will receive a detailed email with all of the instructions about what you will need to prepare for the Mock Assessment. I will ask you to provide a few resources for your child (such as puzzles, lego and play doh). I will provide everything else.

I will cover all of the following (depending on the schools that your child is sitting Assessment at)

  • Questioning and General Knowledge.

  • A Maths Assessment.

  • A literacy Assessment.

  • A writing Assessment.

  • An Art and Design Assessment.

  • A physical activity.

How much does the Mock Exam cost?


Where will it take place?

In your home.

When will it take place?

Saturdays @16:30 - Places are limited so please book in advance.

I will arrive a little earlier to set up and have everything ready for your child.

16:40-17:30 The Mock Assessment

17:30 - 18:00 Discussion with parents regarding areas to work on before the Assessments.

What will happen after the Mock Assessment?

After the Mock Assessment, you will receive a detailed report about how your child did in their Assessment. I will provide you with next steps to work on and we will keep in touch so that you can tell me how your child is getting on with their Assessment preparation. Should you need further support with the Assessment preparation, you can book one of our packages.

How often can I book the Mock Exam?

A maximum of two times.

Which locations will you travel to?

Any locations within 8 miles of NW9.

How can I secure my place?

Click this link to purchase your Mock Assessment. You will be contacted within 24 hours to choose a Saturday that works for you.

Current clients, please email me as I will provide you with a discounted rate.